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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. INfinate SUpply @Ignis i found another duper and the moron admitted it
  2. Have you heard my mic? i need dis
  3. how the fuck will i get points then
  4. Fedot

    Thermal NVGs

    It seems alotof admins have been testing them bc there is about 5 i know of
  5. Fedot

    Thermal NVGs

    @Dingle Pooper @PanDa1771 sss
  6. That moment when @Poseidon accidentally goes online in steam and gets spammed



  7. is there a reason why i cant buy DLC Pack 2

  8. My apologies to Sv and @MrBoonie It has come to my attention that a player known as Fedot has confided in another player that he emailed BIS after @Poseidon didn't message him back (I feel his pain). I urge all members to end the witch hunt and burn the witch! @G.O.A.T. allegedly he is a cop and said MCPD so umm yeah
  9. Its Official MC have taken over OS



    1. Unjo


      Is it me or is png machine broke

    2. Brennan


      @Unjo Fedot just pasted the name of the file.

  10. My next Civ rep description:

    "Wanna really piss of the staff? Vote for me and I'll stand for everybody. I will litarlly repeat everything that is asked of me."


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Pretty sure there is a clause in there somewhere that says weeaboos cant be civ reps.

    3. Fedot
    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      the only weeaboo i see is you:wub:

      the only weeaboo i see is you:wub: @Grandma Gary

  11. CIA stepping up there meme game


  12. Btw @Jesse 1/3 means 1 and 3 not 1 through 3.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      @Jesse u my niqqa delete this post plz

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Everything he posts makes him look stupid.

    4. Fedot


      Nevermind @Jesse fuck u Server 2 doesn't have donation perks. My original Post stands its 1-3

  14. Step 1: Step 2: Pretty sure i saw somthing about the Salty Ghawk no? Never mind its another Thread
  15. Hey quick question? did you edit your comment because you knew you were wrong? or are you just special. @Grandma Gary can ya post his previous message?
  16. Dilli and I are lovers. There is nothing wrong with Him sticking his DILL PICKLE in my SALT HOLE
  17. was it a bad idea to post my nudes in the staff forum?
  18. Yeah but you posted it in a semi private forum. So I wasnt sure. But this screenshot needs to be seen!
  19. I dont think it's a coincidence that Boonie accused Jesse of selling perks under the table days before BIS shut us down. What do you think? Sorry @Jesse for posting this
  20. @G.O.A.T. by "... as brought up as a concern by the civs, after talking ..." do you mean salty bitches?
  21. i aint clickent that QUAKKA
    1. Sociopathic


      @Jesse @Stuart

      Just assume the worst and charge them with the highest charge.

    2. Stuuurrt


      There was a way we got around it, but it was based on their licenses instead of if it was Taser or Lethal

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