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milos inflated dev2 ego

Head Community Retard
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Everything posted by milos inflated dev2 ego

  1. ts has a lot more indepth permission system that olympus needs discord is meant for retards
  2. i think we need more wiki people ive foudn countless mistakes

  3. i have your address and i have your blood type i live on blood btw im a vampire for the medivelas
  4. also talk to my 1.1bil in hawks suck my tit pussy
  5. your deluisional you fat bitch youve been playing as a solo for so long you forgot epis are a thing i start with one kit and it usualy lasts me the time im on for if not i beg headtaps or virus for a kit not staff and if they dont give me money i sell hatchbacks and hummingbirds til i get enough or jsut log out
  6. noone gives a shit bro its a fucking game you lost 300k go stuff your fat dyke face with more cheetos god damn
  7. no staff member gives free shit you are a dyke shut your fucking mouth
  8. i am drowing in creditcard debt

    1. Mighty
    2. Lea


      Keep those flowers coming babe... I'm almost ready to give you my snap... 

    3. Lil Jewzie Vert

      Lil Jewzie Vert

      @ Lea i already gave him your snap in exchange for milk station 2.0 blueprints for my 3d printer

  9. ce45f654c261189d6913d700f775d760.png

    consider this a warning @ Doc  @ Fraali

    1. Mighty


      Man’s out here trying to get a form 4 approval and posting shit like this xD

  10. these aligations are fake @ Mighty  @ Karma the enterprisses will not forgive this

  11. @ hawk ive got your bday present on my chair rn send me address will send it happy birthday sugar tits

    1. hawk


      Thanks man, hope its one of ur guns

    2. Karma


      Probably a nail bomb or a pipey knowing this guy

  12. i have 13,604 dollars of credit card debt




    1. Clashingtin


      go rob the art gallery 

    2. Mighty


      Sounds like it aint maxed out yet 🙂

  13. @ Decimus does the yield go up on your birthday????????

    happy birthday from all the bean enjoyers including me

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