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milos inflated dev2 ego

Head Community Retard
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Status Replies posted by milos inflated dev2 ego

  1. Aegis' most retarded members:

    1) CaloomClark

    2) McPooperson

    3) that's it 🤷‍♂️

  2. a reminder that olympus is fair


  3. your not a real gun owner til you negligently discharge the floor this just happened 


  4. PSA

    APD officers cannot utilize or carry Machetes. Any officers utilizing or having it in there possession will face administrative and APD disciplinary action.


    @Chief of Police, @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member& @APD Officer

  5. Hey folks. Hope you are all doing well. Had an unfortunate personal situation that has me away for the time being but be back soon! I ain’t going anywhere. 😉 

  6. Buying ghawks message discord

    and armed huron

  7. Buying ghawks message discord

    and armed huron

  8. give me your best racist joke there will be a winner

  9. If you haven't already, please link your forums account to your TeamSpeak. As of 9/25, all faction members will be REQUIRED to have their TeamSpeak linked, and anyone who isn't will be purged from existing roles.

    Here is the wiki post on how to link your TS to your forums : https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Link_Account


    @SWAT Member @APD Officer



  12. The council is currently stocked up on gamers and were always cooking! However, im more than sure that there are many of you out there with good ideas and letting them go unnoticed would be a shame! 

    If you have a idea or something similar you are more than welcome to reach out to either myself or any councilmember (You can find the roster here) and we will be happy to note it down / bring it up / work with you to refine the idea!

    If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the Civilian Council feel free to reach out to me either here, in teamspeak or on discord!

  13. RDM at gas station robberies is a serious issue and happens at almost every single one I go to as a vigi. Shot before I can even attempt to initiate. 

    Is there anything we can do to resolve this? Just make them a redzone or something, so that legitimate players can have a chance to shoot the people who are going to RDM them anyway

  14. if youve seen barbie and you a real nigga drop a comment #imkenough

  15. let me and @ a polite young man  run olympus for the rest of the summer and i guarantee we see all time pop highs

  16. The Cops:  "Alright guys...we may have lost 3 ghosthawks and 3 armed planes and an orca to JPostman in the past 30 minutes...but I think THIS time we can get him!"


  17. My fellow nerds. For those who'll notice...I'll be on vacation until after the 27th so if you don't see me around much that is why. 😉 . Take care of your self's! 

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