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Tony Manarellos

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Everything posted by Tony Manarellos

  1. not my main, lmao.
  2. You guys are all fucking brain dead with your responses. Rethink what the fuck have of you said and I was taking the interview serious, but okay buddy. and " Isn't possible, cause first of all I don't use cellular devices for 200iq reasons, so impossible but okay, your legit braindead
  3. the dude in interview asked for my dob, I said no thats fucking weird g, and he said give me it so I jokingly said 1995 so he moved me out, than moves me in and fucking the chief said Im blacklisted for lying about my age, cause i said 1995 as a joke and wants me to submit fucking proof im 16 which, Is fucking weird, and I don't wanna do over me jokingly saying 1995 but me jokingly saying 1995 and him auto moving me out, and than legit saying i have to submit a id is fucking retarded, I sound older than 16, legit search my steam id and find 100s of apps, proving i'm 16 like omegalul * context of 1995 dude doxxed me a month back with retarded shit, and "exposed" me for being 25 when I'm, clearly not lmao. and im going to bed so night forum users also to add, in my "doxx" I was exposed for living in kabul afghan no cap
  4. shit, you made it sound like just decrypt the code or whatever the fuck, and the reward you won is in the code, didn't look deep into it, feelsbadman.
  5. bruh, you need to add more details or some shit, didn't say even to find the shift amount shit was confusing g.
  7. was more of to lazy to do it
  8. 200-500m price is negotiable
  9. hey, I thought I should let you know that goat is ugly, doesn't mean proper goat standards should go and invest in a new one.

    Love Tony.

    1. buckie


      u best not talk about goat like that suck my dick idiot

    2. Corporal Moob
    3. Tony Manarellos
  10. Everyone is invited, except mercury* fixed
  11. no steaks for you, dirty commie scum!
  12. are you fucking brain dead? I said my alt is banned, so I won't be on my main and you guys are being fucking brain dead thinking something else. Its not that fucking deep now go fucking eat steak and chill the fuck out, Love Tony.
  13. I'm confused why no one ain't using some good ol' country in there frag montages, like cmon bruh stop using shitty songs you found on your spotify playlist, be fucking creative like cmonbruh like so many potetinals out there such as "as good as I once was" etc cmon brothers.

    murica' fuck yeah, brothers.

    Your autistic daily dose message, from tony.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tony Manarellos

      Tony Manarellos

      Hey, I said it was decent nothin' less brother, and I mean come on its blake who the fuck listens to him, jsin

    3. Ryan


      My name is Ryan and I approve this message.

    4. Tony Manarellos

      Tony Manarellos

      My name is Tony and I approve of Ryan.

  14. try restarting your computer if not, maybe try and fuck around with it? or go into display settings and mess around and
  15. yeah, even though I put 7 rounds into his torso.
  16. I mean every word I wrote to you, also I clearly had a second load of moonshine legit about processed and a bit more in t he truck, so clearly would of been over 600k? like nice one. upgrade your fucking router or whatever and stop playing under alex jones tin foil fort.
  17. but dad, I'm the real tony. well, now I do can we set up a gofundme for him? my mom said i was special
  18. your braindead [2] fuck this tony kid
  19. good close server 2, just have server one no issues? seems like a good solution to me quality over quantity isn't that what Hitler did and it worked for a while? sadly it wasn't on half the retarded arma playerbase zzzzzzzzzz
  20. uh, I'm pretty sure its based of skill if a fucker isn't in another country, is there not a ping limit or some shit? like yikes/ we need to start a petition to ban everyone not in america or has bad ping, no cap.
  21. fuck off fake tony that is the most retarded shit I ever fucking heard. Totally, even if you slow it down fired 7 shots via his torso, but he took no damage cause his fucking uk ping but alright buddy.
  22. yeah, I was told if shit like this happens Its comp able, so i'm confused why my comp request was declined.
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