For a community the size of Olympus, I also feel issues are being swept under the rug. I get that we're all human and we all have our IRL obligations... and that not everything can be fixed instantly. But it bugs me a bit to see some of the updates and responses we get. Very professionally written and all, but little is addressed and more importantly, little is fixed.
Olympus is a great community that I'm proud to have spent much time on, in two different parts of my life. I played 5+ years ago, took a 4 year break, and play actively today. I've seen many ups and downs, server resets, admins let go, high value donors given the ok to do anything they please, etc., etc. But at this point in Olympus' timeline is where I feel is the most uncertain. There is little transparency, and a whole lot of distrust and blanket responses when anything is questioned.
As an optimist, I hope these are things our community, admins, and staff will strive to correct when realized. There is not much more you can ask for than that. Just looking out for our community members.
Also, no need for shit comments like this:
Racist motherfucker