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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Can the gold bar trader be moved? there's no bridge to that island. How you gonna sell gold bars??
  2. Do you have to download the Sneak Peak or the Dev Branch to be able to play on the Olympus Tanoa when it comes out? I really don't know the difference between the Dev Branch or the Sneak Peak.

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The sneak peek branch will be required.

    2. BENJI
    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      They're one and the same. Download the Apex Sneak Peak.

  3. A+ is highest rating


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Whilst at it strip that APD tag off him Peter ^-^

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      For the record I edited his original post to make it look like he has a hard on for Danny Banks Gurl.  

      Actually look at his OP it would still look like he has a hard on for him l0l

  5. @Lucki I wouldn't recommend deleting those files. Without them your game won't run. To make space, just delete programs you don't need, use CCleaner. But what I would do is check if you have a backup file of some sort. Typically from an antivirus. Plus this is also really helpfull: http://windirstat.en.softonic.com/. What it does is show you what in you hard drive is taking up the most space. For example: https://i.gyazo.com/353c046f7b665b1576ea0f42b4d59a71.gif
  6. I don't have long hair you retard
  7. I have no idea wtf your saying
  8. FIX HEX'S. There shouldn't even be an argument about this between the staff. Just fix hex's. If it's what the majority of the community wants, THAN DO IT!
  9. Wtf happened with Gidgit, Mobundo, and Ghostface??

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Insctivity for the APD as far as I'm informed.

  10. Some motherboards aren't compatible with certain GPU's, its unlikely to happen. But that doesn't mean it wont. 400 watts isnt the best to have when you're planning on getting a 970. I myself have a 970 4gb, and i have a 750 watt power supply. Having a bigger power supply is best, but there isn't a need to overkill and buy a 1,000 watt power supply. The more watts you have, the more power you pc will put out, making it overall perform better, especially for gaming.
  11. Of course, just be sure that your power supply is atleast over 400 watts. But just in case I would get a new motherboard as well (depending on the one you already have)
  12. First thing I would try is taking your motherboard battery out and putting it back in. If that doesn't work, then its most likely something to do with your GPU
  13. Make Olympus great.. Get .. More .. Dev's .. Plox ..

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BENJI


      @Wang EVEN WORSE!! HA!!!!!!!!!

    3. brodyunderwood1


      says the guy who has been around about 5 maybe 6 times as long as him and has left zero impact on the server

      I'm just saying if your gonna insult somebody back your shit up

    4. Weatherz


      Benji I was messing with you when I said go braid your hair. Obviously you can't take a joke! and Thanks Brody!

  14. Simple solution, make it so you have to have a either a Rahim, Katiba, or higher in the weapon category. So free spawns cant linger in the cartels
  15. You put clips of you killing someone after being they were revived by a medic ............................ enough said
  16. Ghosthawks are easy as hell to shoot down, don't complain when you have Mk18's and GA's.
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