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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. I have been a Medic 2 times, both times I never got to Search & Rescue. The first time was sometime back in 2014 or 15. The next was like 4-5 Months ago. But I'm not a Medic anymore
  2. It's not hard to manage ETA's. When it comes to being a Medic, It's like a real Job in the category of managing time. If you waste only a few seconds of your time, to at least satisfy the person that you're going to revive. It makes things that much less stress full, and it makes it so people don't start a rant in side about how Medic's are stupid or retarded. It's literally gone out of hand with Medics not doing what they SHOULD do. LIKE ETA'S!!! It's honestly not hard to type like 10 - 15 letters while you're on the move. You have to manage ETA's and your, I guess your "customers" (The people requesting revives), but I know at times Revives can be overloaded and impossible to manage, and that's fine but Medics should at least TRY to manage it better and keep people satisfied with the service that they're receiving. Giving ETA's should not, and should NEVER be an issue. It's not a waste of time by any means. The Medic's brought this on themselves, period. Now it's up to them to clean it up.
  3. It's not hard to type Eta __ mins, while flying or driving. And plus the more medic's don't give eta's the more the Community bashes on medics. That's fact.
  4. The only thing annoying about Medics is that most of them don't respond. I would die somewhere, and I would say "Medic ETA?" like 3 mins later. And they wouldn't even utilize my existence.
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Have you tried turning it off and on again?

    2. BENJI


      Of course I have :P

    3. Bow


      Download the latest chrome and install it from https://www.google.com/chrome/ and it should put you on the latest version.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      what's wrong ?

    3. BENJI


      @QKSILVR73 What do you mean whats wrong? YOU CAN USE A VEST THAT EATS BULLETS FOR DINNER

    4. QKSILVR73


      oh so you don't like that? No wonder peeps were getting mad at me today LOL

  5. @Fedot You owe me 20 mil, stats page is broken again :ph34r:

  6. I cant Shift - endmission anymore?? :(:unsure:

  7. Oh my Grandma Gary

  8. When you die as a cop and request medic, the next time you die, your respawn timer is stuck as 30.0000000. Not sure if it it's constant though.
  9. PLZ REMOVE FOG!!! :(:unsure:

  10. @Mobundo African Warlord "As Some May Know. i am a Sergeant on the APD" Is that a LOWERCASE I????!!!!! HELLO??!!!!!!
  11. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ My Name is Ben/Benjamin, I am 14 years old. ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ APD / Rule Changes or Improvements / Updates And Changes ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ When I first got Arma 3 I started joining random Altis Life Servers and one day I stumbled upon Olympus, I've been on this server and have been a part of this community since late October of 2014 ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ I have made countless amounts of friends by playing on this server ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ Either fighting Cartels or pretty much being a scat when I first joined the server ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ I do not saddly :/ ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ I don't really have one tbh ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? Joining either R&R or APD ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ It would have to be either Kavala, or the whole East side of the map ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ The variety of people in the Community, and the awesome moments you will have with them ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Get involved in the community, join the R&R or APD. ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ I have 3, but I would say Mcdili, Peter Long, and Mr Kevin
  12. These retarded fucking spawn killing rules need to change. 

  13. So a Rook shot to the dick on cop, kills you. An Mk18 shot to the foot on cop, kills you. Jumping out of a hatchback at 10 - 15 km's/h on cop, kills you. What is lyfe :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BENJI


      A civ with a tac vest can take several MK shots, while a cop would be lucky if they took 3 at max. 70% of the time I die on cop I feel like I died from 1 bullet, especially if I'm being sprayed down (I'm sure atleast a few could relate to this), and I know for a fact when I and when I don't get shot in the head

  14. Take a pic with your phone or something and lemme see wait you mean by yellowish tint
  15. What type of bullshit excuses are they pulling? If you want them to refund it just tell them that you don't want to waste more money to fix it and that its just a hassle to own it because of the performance. Thats what I would do. I rarely vape, and I don't even own one so I haven't delt with these types of problems.
  16. Go into the Nvidia Control panel if you have an Nvidia Graphics card. Btw are you using a HDMI or DVI, cause you have to use DVI to get to 144hz

  18. Idk if I missed it or something but where is gang wars taking place at?? hello??

  19. Leviathan's Potatotage - Part 5 - The return of the Rebel @ 0:09 "Bye bye youssss FUCK" LOL, Welcome btw
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