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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Odin


    We aren't doctors, thus it isn't a requirement?
  2. Odin


    It is generally suggested that the name of those whom require a revive is kept confidential. This is not a requirement though.
  3. Joking aside, it really is THAT easy to do. September for you, June for me and not a single ban. If players take the time to read the rules and use common sense, then a ban shouldn't be an issue. Side Note Suggestion: Map a button under multiplayer controls to direct voice communication. Unless you mute your mic or have lag, as mentioned above, you'll never have an issue with speaking in the wrong channel.
  4. Or you could just throw a grenade through the window...
  5. R&R recruitment has re-opened. Interview times may be viewed in the R&R Whitelist Applicant channel's description.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raine


      Got accepted cant wait for the interview

    3. Shelby


      Awesome :D thankyou!

    4. Isaac Newton
  6. I'm going to chime in on one subject and that is the subject concerning me. I have been invited once, 15 minutes prior to the show starting, so with no time to really prep (I don't go into things unprepared). The only other time was when I offered after the topics on hand revolved around my group.
  7. How is this related?
  8. If you're over 21 and don't like Whiskey... we need to have a talk.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      What tequila are you drinking then?

    3. Chaotix


      Probably Diablo's Asshole tequila.

    4. Tman15tmb


      Tequila= Blackout

  9. Just now seeing this, thanks Dustin!
  10. Knowledge about bans should be reserved for Staff and those being banned. Its no one else's business.
  11. Sometimes you have to let the stray lambs wander off into the wild. It only makes the community stronger when you're left with a group of dedicated player who are here for more than getting money and kills on a video game. Have fun having to start over anyway.
  12. Awesomely done Warfare and Zombified, am looking forward to all future issues.
  13. Can also bind drinking a redgull as well
  14. Earplugs ftw?
  15. But APD is life.... Wait I mean... That came out wrong.
  16. Weren't you just reprimanded roughly 3-4 days ago for breaking a cardinal rule for R&R, claiming a defense of "Oh I didn't know"? Lets be mindful of our own actions and knowledge prior to pointing fingers at others shall we?
  17. Don't you respawn on me!!!
  18. Might have been disabled.
  19. Not sure this could be any more confusing as to why he was banned.
  20. ???
  21. This is pretty close to my current build, only differences being I have 32gb of RAM currently, an EVGA 550Ti (1.5gb) doing all the PhysX work and I put in a generic 2TB HDD for this build. Otherwise, this is pretty close to what I am at. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Ch7wpg
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