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Everything posted by Odin

  1. It doesn't say NoBeardmin anymore.
  2. Will be showing HamofMoose how to texture a vehicle here shortly. If you're curious on the process, hop on my stream (VS_Odin).

    1. RogueMK


      you also use microsoft paint? lol

  3. Most anything is possible when it comes to custom textures, its just a matter of keeping file sizes to a minimum. I'm not going to say yes or no on if this will happen, but its better to have the ideas and the answer be no, than have the answer be yes and there be nothing to work toward. Clothing Ideas: Suits T-Shirts Fun clothes (clown suits, etc.)
  4. Clothes COULD be an option, however all the built-in clothing options are already implemented with the exception of a few. Textures could be created but also as stated, the mission file would rise. What kind of clothes are we talking here because "More clothes" doesn't really give us that much to go on.
  5. That's a lie... I've got a local ISP that uses radio broadcasts for their connections. One day though! I've heard both good and bad about AT&T though, I almost got it about a year ago as they had the contract for the apartment building I was going to rent from. A buddy of mine also has them and I've never heard of a complaint from him.
  6. What are you even talking about?
  7. Its ok y'all, the viking mythology staff is here to add more confusion. On a serious note, simply refers to a central location where people gather, per the definition Devil provided us. While it also refers to a specific location, you have to look at a work from all definitions. Think about Buffalo, New York. No one has ever thought "Who marks on a map where there's a Buffalo?"
  8. Warfare, Where's my magically floating complex in the sky where I can target people with my ban cannon?
  9. All about that being grandfathered in nonsense. STILL have unlimited data and free personal hotspot. Bahahahaha
  10. Back in the day, I'd sit in corporate meetings and play EVE Online with my work laptop... making sure to use my phone (unlimited data ftw) for internet. Firewall THAT corporate IT.
  11. System Check Initialized... Core Systems: [ OK ] Memory Banks: [ OK ] Transmission Buffer: [ OK ] ECU: [ OK ] ACM: [ OK ] TCM: [ OK ] System Check Complete... Startup Sequence Initiated... Plasma Reactor: [ ONLINE ] Field Generator: [ ONLINE ] Targeting: [ ONLINE ] Power Regulators: [ ONLINE ] Defense Systems: [ ONLINE ] Startup Sequence Complete... Welcome to the Orbital Disciplinary Interdiction Nexus (O.D.I.N.) targeting interface. Target Acquired... System Charging... System Banning...
  12. System Check Initialized... Core Systems: [ OK ] Memory Banks: [ OK ] Transmission Buffer: [ OK ] ECU: [ OK ] ACM: [ OK ] TCM: [ OK ] System Check Complete... Startup Sequence Initiated... Plasma Reactor: [ ONLINE ] Field Generator: [ ONLINE ] Targeting: [ ONLINE ] Power Regulators: [ ONLINE ] Defense Systems: [ ONLINE ] Startup Sequence Complete... Welcome to the Orbital Disciplinary Interdiction Nexus (O.D.I.N.) targeting interface. Target Acquired... System Charging... System Banning...
  13. We are aware of the issue where some event messages are sent server wide and it is being looked into. Currently there are channels in Teamspeak, however due to the nature of some events, not everyone can be in the same channel thus requiring the use of the Event Notifications in-game. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have the issue resolved soon.
  14. I mean.... Hades did say we could do it... and I mean... I do have an idea...
  15. No Gucci hahaha. Just.... no.
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