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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Thanks Bubba! Mentioned it in another post already, but Gucci has also joined the dev team so really, we have THREE devs (we are in training/on trial mind you) now.
  2. Wow, this is very unexpected but appreciated. Peter is correct that Gucci (who's kind of a bigger badass than I am.... yes I said it) has also joined in to help with developing the server so lets not let him slip through unnoticed. That said, thank you for the shout out Jaden!
  3. You're welcome Ham ;D
  4. Odin

    R&R Life :)

    R&R hosted flight training is under development and hopefully will start within the next couple weeks. The class will initially be available to R&R and APD but may at a later date become available for civilians as well. It will all depend on the turn out.
  5. When I say important rules, I mean have rules that don't change listed and then the link under. Such as don't harm R&R, APD can't be taken hostage/robbed unless there are a certain number online, both parties must be INSIDE the red zone to attack without RP, VDM is still VDM even if they don't die, etc. The stuff that we don't change but is important for new players to know. Having the short link is still important and shouldn't be removed or replaced.
  6. I'd also like to point out Warfare... that while you have nearly double my post count, you only had about 10 more likes than me. Just sayin.
  7. The number of posts doesn't matter... its the content of said posts that's important.
  8. Or perhaps key rules could be listed as briefing tabs on the map? Most people look there and wouldn't be so invasive.
  9. Odin

    R&R Life :)

  10. lul wat? Thanks Dustin for that weather report. Now off to Nana Gary with today's troll report. Gary?
  11. You weren't specifically targeted here, so cool your jets bud. Matthew, If you are repeatedly being RDM'd, I'd suggest going with what Hades said and use OBS (which has a capture the last X number of minutes like Shadowplay). If you need help setting it up and the guide doesn't help you, shoot me a message on TS and I'll help walk you through it.
  12. Up until Olympus decides they want to start a RoK server, I've got one running for friends and such. Link to the site for rules and connection info can be found in my signature.
  13. Same thing for wearing a mask in town. Why hide your face unless you have something to hide? Should be reasonable grounds to stop someone and ask for ID.
  14. Don't fly so fast. Most of the R&R force fly with advanced flight controls and in first-person because "we're f***king elite", according to Muthinator in TS a minute ago.
  15. Current one is perfect, with snoop dancing on both sides of her.
  16. New Goal: Fun fact: I made this my profile picture for about a month, people believed it was me due to beardness.
  17. I got so used to pushing a button to talk in TS, that I'd start pushing my PTT button when talking to someone in the room.
  18. I'll be sitting in traffic, look at a field and have the urge to drive through it in my car because who drives on roads?
  19. R&R Handbook has been updated with this week's changes.

  20. Anyone else feel like an ant eater when you're trying to get little Cheetos?

  21. Odin


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