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Farrel last won the day on June 3 2023

Farrel had the most liked content!

About Farrel

  • Birthday January 1

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Gonna double up on what snare said sign me up for the unban @ Ryan
  2. @ -dante- would beg for money on the forums for food then use it to buy new a phone and computer parts..........
  3. Dante would beg on the forums for food money. Then use it to buy a new phone and computer parts.
  4. What a Chad
  5. @ ROBINOTHY  got beat up by a girl

  6. Your country is actually doomed the USA can only get better with trump.
  7. @ proud Get some bitches. Your brother doesn't count 🎃

    1. proud


      come be my wing man, the bitches can use ur bald head as a mirror to apply makeup🙏

  8. Happy Birthday @ 3 Rip

    always been a huge fan 

  9. From Srapd to civ council what happened @ Clashingtin was headless right about you all along? 

    1. proud


      get some bitches farrel

    2. doubleueyeceekay
  10. out of touch
  11. On @ Caden  neck since day 1


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