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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. eknjack

    WTS prowler Hmg

    If your that desperate I’ll buy it from you when I’m home and unbanned
  2. Pretty sure the guy who owns it never plays but I’ll go try figure it out for you
  3. ASP is not worth 900k
  4. 1 crate sucks, plus red phos is 700 mountains away from processor which is kinda gay
  5. Exactly man, that’s what I’ve been telling people for years
  6. Me and caloom always pushed cap before I went on holiday you Mongral no brain retard
  7. I mean if he isn’t gonna use it he might as well make something from it, there’s a good few people who use it with a spar 16s
  8. Anytime you make a bid, multiply it by at least 3 or 4 because then, maybe then, you might just hit how much it’s actually worth
  9. How many warpoints does this shite cost
  10. Good concept and all but why have people suddenly forgotten the suggestion channel exists? Like 3rd one today, unless I’m being a retard
  11. I already suggested this what the heck man, I’ll frick you up and downvote you!
  12. Wish they’d add a suggestion forum section.... oh wait...
  13. Isn’t it only processors, gatherers and wz?
  14. What the frick o7, gl on any future endeavours
  15. Do you ever wonder why people don’t sell to you? There is low bidding and then there’s saying 2.25 for a DP4 2c is bad
  16. If you can’t make 20 mil a day your doing something wrong
  17. 2100ish
  18. eknjack

    cya boys

    What the fuck Mong? Who’s gonna come and save my ass now?
  19. Bungalows are 3 craters, so 2100ish Cheese
  20. You hope everyone burns in a forest fire weirdo
  21. Pretty sure you stole the “you muppet” part from my comment on Antis post, thanks
  22. Yeah I got no life either, not like I’m out enjoying the beauties of Spain rn, but oh well.
  23. I prefer not to let kids up who are fully kitted and/or pissed me off unless I get warpoints from it
  24. I can hardly play in game, can I you fucking dyke?
  25. Oh aight
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