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Everything posted by Cake

  1. kek, how do i get thru life huh this is the internet, lel, idc, y are u trying to constantly parent me fuck off retard
  2. U are a useless human being please dont ever respond to my posts ratboy
  4. god
  5. Cake


    u are in need of help
  6. Feels 

    1. Thomas


      feels like saying fuck you fucking rich boi fucking cunt face fuck you fuck FUCK YOU smilely face :)

  7. lol

  9. free me
    1. djwolf


      A video within a gif. What a l9g9nd...

    2. RogueMK


      thats called dogshite aim :)

    3. Cake


      u are delusional rogue ur shit talk is so weak god

  10. o7 boys rip Mayhem was fun, hope all u guys who I am been playing with for a year don't hate me. Cuz I know u are talking mad shit behind my back, looking forward for the new fights. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GhostFace


      Defibs probably won't get implemented to be honest. No matter how much hell we raise about them.

    3. krypton


      The server would be better with them....medics can't even come to cartels or rebel without a high enough rank on....and everybody wants them. And even then they simply laugh at us and tell us no.

    4. Huskers


      Looking forward to making my appearance back and fighting you boys with that said have fun getting carried by the 3 maybe good players from asylum that came over on that note I'm out of here :)

  11. lol ok
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Literally nothing Laggy about it.

    3. Cake


      ok look at how much u tank, lol fun fight though funny as fuck in my opinion 

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      @Cake It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

  12. https://gyazo.com/99dadb0034a0281d3c065bdaeee1631d
  13. Cake

    I miss BurBan

    jaeger u are a literal joke
  14. hey mobster how is that exploit report going for u buddy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I thought you were still grounded since your parents caught you smoking dope... Don't they know we live in California?

    3. Cake


      Rogue very funny, kinda funny how u think I care so much about cop lmao, u keep bringing it up even though I don't give a shit

    4. RogueMK


      but its funny :)

      the fact its just killed your status!!

  15. just found this video our reactions lol 



    1. ToeKnee


      "He doesn't even play dude"

  16. Linker the Shitter (:

  17. Cops

    1. Linka


      Yes cops are on the server cake good job 

    2. Cake
  18. Mr Kevin is a top tier Olympus player

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