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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. For a similar price you can probably get an i7 - 8700k in a pc, additional 50$ on cpu and 50$ on motherboard if u get MSI z370 from amazon rn. Plus who knows how much you might save from building your own, can probably spend the 1400$ and build yourself with the 8700k and 370 Holy shit tho 220$ for 16gb ddr4 @3200mhz, idk i'd compare prices on all parts separate and just see where the price ends up.
  2. device of cement is not a good idea imo, way too much risk for reward ratio, need to do 2 runs of it just to cover the costs of buying a new device worst come to worst.
  3. It was those damn CSAT pilot coveralls
  4. him and homicide like quoting rules when they lose gunfights
  5. It's not that they don't believe you, it's in their protocol to blacklist if there are 3rd party applications running on your computer. You also have to think of their position, they're giving you an interview, and they ask or question or you give an answer or whatever and dicord pings are going off. If you maintained your innocence in the interview, you could have put in an appeal, explained in full detail what happened, say it won't happen again and see if there's any arrangement you can make to be able to take your test. Instead, you went to forums and made it public trying to get support from the community, but the community doesn't decide who's cop, the senior APD does. So you shouldn't have went to the forums, you should have went to support. But now you put yourself in a worse position, by going to the forums to publicize this, senior APD might trust you even less or feel you are more of a pain than you're worth i.e. the title of this post. Edit: I've had lots of experience with getting blacklisted, on both APD and R&R, and have found in all my cases that shit posting on forums has never helped the issue be resolved.
  6. A better option was to put in an appeal in support instead of taking to forums, had a similar experience recently but I didn't make it public and it got fixed, and the blacklist was even more ridiculous than yours.
  7. save money
  8. Don't matter the answer as long as you can convince the senior APD it's right.
  9. Anyone else feel like Van should have more storage? Things big af and holds less than SUV.

    1. xDRO


      Buy the cargo van my dude, it holds 200+

    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      Ahhhh shiiit, thanks.

  10. Got arrested, cops used to not be completely about roleplay but that wouldn't just do L - I - S - T and ignore all conversation or RP from the detained. IDK if this is condoned behavior now or if there are just some shitty cops out there?
  11. @G.O.A.T. Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrate action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. Thank you for the report.
  12. From my understanding, you cannot represent the server if you're banned from it, but you can fight against it since this is in a completely different server anyways. The fighting will be with weapons/items obtainable by both servers. The fighting area will most likely be a common cartel location, or a common un-used location/custom location to make things even.
  13. MC just has more training, I mean all their players are high-ranking cops so they get unlimited loadouts, when you have to earn a bunch of money to buy gear then to practice fighting u start at a disadvantage.
  14. Alright... so... I've been gone for a while. I've been slowly coming back to Olympus. I was bored of Arma and waiting to get a new pc until my full return. When I hopped on I noticed that there are Mk-1 for civs, and many other changes. I was wondering if someone could post a rundown of what happened in the past 2 months, really from when the Tanoa server was launched please and thanks.
  15. @Bubbaloo Burrito, so you're saying in 30 seconds he could run completely around me, run up to kavala rebel and not be seen with no walls until in a tower, or he ran completely around the hill without being seen over the hill crest, ran into rebel through knocked over walls, right next to a second guy of ours? #likehowsthatnotlagswitching?

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You want to talk about a player report? Send me a private message. Don't make a public post that will lead nowhere. 

  16. @Peter Long, what you think? Would support team be something that could help with this (if it was implemented),
  17. can I get them in well-worn condition?
  18. @Bubbaloo Burrito, wtf man lol I was typing a post trashing on larry in his second topic and now it's gone fam #u2fast4me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fedot


      these Sodium Levels should be reported to the EPA


    3. JoeL


      Your boy [Medic] Larry, the same PO that went into a rebel by himself xD


    4. Fedot



  19. so I already installed the arma 3 dev. build so... Apex, the whole 7.9gb. I switched back to my regular profiling instead of dev build, and tried to switch to dev again and it states I have to download the entire 7.9gb again :/. Is that normal or steam being steam?

    1. Muthinator
    2. RogueMK


      Yes normal, you'll find that 5gb of that is just the map lol then the rest is textures, guns n vehicles etc 

    3. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      guess i'll just wait for Apex to be released then so I don't download an unnecessary amount of arma. Only takes about an hour anyways.

  20. That's what I foresaw which made me think whitelist it or make cops very militaristic and required to be tactical unlike their normal "which cop can turn OP and taze rebels so they have to come back and save the restrained members so we can dome em all".
  21. but rebels are fighting with Ak's
  22. I mean, in terrorist land (lol cough "middle east"), the rebels are all armed with AKs, and the defense we have against them are military units, <--- first thing that popped into my head this morning. I agree with that, but I'm not saying an interview for white list but just a player report type support ticket, and all you do is apply for it and you automatically get white listed. Not an interview, just to take the time to apply for white list.
  23. That's why I'm almost thinking a whitelisted only tanoa would work. If it was easy to be whitelisted, then I don't think there will be a problem in getting the server filled but I think it needs to be like takistan/arma 3 life.
  24. I would think it would be all redzone, @Poseidon, are you personally working on how TPD will be assembled, because I think it would be sweet to have a more militaristic police department but you're final decision maker. With the type of guns that have been added, it makes sense to me that there be a more dominant police force. With RPG's whether they're added or not, something that just popped into my mind which might be completely ridiculous but: Tanoa citizens are revolting against TPD by doing whatever illegal runs there are, and so the police are heavily cracking down on all civilian rebel actions, any orca actions taken on this last non-connected island could be RPG'd by cops or something. idk that just popped into my head.
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