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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. did bohemia take out 3rd person view or am i just crazy?

    1. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      hmm... in editor i cant get in 3rd person but online i can

  2. Most of the APD flying the ghosthawks are shit pilots anyways, can out-maneuver and speed away from them in an M900, not to mention they can't shoot straight forward, above, or directly below them.
  3. How is it that when I put in an RDM report, it goes through and the person gets banned, but when I put in a compensation report using the same video, it falls through due to "lack of evidence"?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. QKSILVR73




      So a server restart and rejoin back in and I see a flaming heep isn't enough? It was a soft restart.


    3. -dante-


      @QKSILVR73 did it soft restart when you were flying or just standing next to it at your garage?

    4. QKSILVR73


      I had it landed for like 5 mins at Kavala HQ

  4. cnt sei u ddnt tuch ma hert wit ur knd wrds, pce b wit u grk rpst
  5. Wow, the server that must not be named is really looking for donations ;) https://gyazo.com/fe6cf567b1fe6ec64aa6da993b324bd6

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka


      sorry 3rip couldn't resist..

    3. JoeL


      Too Bad Pinkstreak isn't Staff or Sr. Apd on there anymore :P 

    4. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      What happened? Did she start her own server?

  6. incoming zMatt sidechat rage
  7. If a civilian is taken into police custody, and the cop broke rules to get him. Is the Civ allowed to say in RP terms "You unlawfully detained me etc," and be pardoned? If civilians broke rules to help the cops detain someone it shouldn't be a pardon, but if it's the cops fault it should. How does a Civ exclaim his accusation without being automatically sent to jail?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danger


      Talindor is a great cop. You will respect his authority!

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      He's great as long as his game is closed...

    4. Danger
  8. when u have to text ur friends when they're gettin back from LA cuz they go on vacation cuz they can afford it

  9. Do you do all these skins in photoshop? or is there another program you're using?
  10. This is what they really meant by "removing all big towers" https://gyazo.com/c68b923026d5db012dfdc3ae05bdd1ee XD

    1. dannygurl


      That was there before they removed all of the big towers.

    2. ToeKnee


      Haha okay confirmed that atc towers bug out when placed over water 

  11. When I think Sheriff I think Country, maybe only SUV since you can offroad well in those. With an undamaged Hatchback (sport) you can go a little faster but one bad bump and you're going 60kph offroad. @Muthinator, what program are you using to make these skins, it seems pretty fun and would be a good way to give a little if I can make a cool texture that could be implemented.
  12. But if you're close enough to see vehicle color, u can most likely see the blue name of officer. I think it'd be fine.
  13. I don't know if anyone else feels this way but... I'd much rather see my stamina then virtual inventory. :mellow:

    1. Linka


      was a good idea implemented in a wrong way imo

    2. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      You've always been and still are able to see your stamina in the top right corner of your screen. The layout is actually better than the stamina bar we had instead of the inventory... you see the rate at which you lose/gain stamina and at what point you can not sprint/ can start to sprint again.

    3. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      Plenty of room for both.

  14. I'm in an illegal area, the black market. Buying illegal items... and I need a gun license to purchase a weapon....... :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RogueMK


      Prob coz Toeknee is dumb lol blame Toeknee 

    3. ToeKnee


      next update it will be the old gang hideout weapon shop

    4. Ahmed99


      Still you shouldn't need a gun license to buy a small gun from the black market, makes no sense u can just head over to gun store in city

  15. Hummingbird: 4, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7 Orca: 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 PS: All these textures look great, just picking the best imo.
  16. This Stress test is nice and all, but uhhh... 2 servers seems pretty nice about now

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Little did you know... This is a player stress test... Not a server. #SoonOnlyOneServerOnly

  17. But what about those times where there are ridiculous posts that make no sense and are full of aids, that deserve a dislike but not my feedback.
  18. Lol all these confessions coming out. I know what I said is offensive, but I knew firmly well that I was going to get banned for my remarks. However a perm is kindof harsh but it doesn't bother me as I would not like to play there again.
  19. I thought it was really stupid how I was banned after making 2 remarks about an admin, it really shows they weak like Jeb Bush.
  20. Lol, I recently learned about it and set it to 180, looked fuckin crazy.
  21. I still think weekend or weekday it's too late. If I'm up at 12:30 EST on a weekend it's because I'm out not playing Arma.
  22. Like bloodbags, epi-pen seems like something I won't end up using. Not because of the way it's implemented, but the price. Not spending 9800 for a full heal and not spending 35k for a revive. I'll wait for medic or respawn. I do appreciate the OS and Sr R&R for coming with a compromise with this as it may prove me wrong and be extremely useful and cost worthy.
  23. I think 5 minutes is just not enough time... at least make it 10.
  24. What is this copy pasted out of?
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