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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. “Proper gun” pellet gun. Baby boy living in the house with stale weed and guns on the countertop Cunt must go to primary school stinking of piss
  2. Cunts in a council gaff and doesn’t even know what rolex he has oh my fuck
  4. Wtb all bw gear, wps especially, and ghawk/armed huron please

  5. Cause every bird on the server is either a suspected tranny or just stinkin
  6. Down south where his ones belong i’d hope @ Grandma Gary
  7. Selling 2 6.5 sups, 2 .50 mags, 2 t5s and 2 pcovs

    1. Noble


      hahah hes back at it

    2. CaloomClark


      This is me not back at it fam

      selling it all cause i got school😭😭

      lost a mar 10, t5 and pcovs to a kid that cl with it😩😩

  8. I just get my girlfriend to rim me clean tbh. @ FaXe wyd?
  9. Glad you can finally admit that it is cringe to have a ‘girlfriend’ online @ rabid
  10. Wtb ghawk and armed huron

    1. FaXe


      i dont think you have the facilities for that big man

    2. eknjack


      @ FaXe has a big forehead

    3. Mr GOAT
  11. I’ll buy a 762 taser, 2/3 of those zafirs, any t5’s or pcovs i’ll buy as well
  12. Would need some for the amount of retards i’ve met on here
  13. Get these off the forums now you melon, then give me keys and that’s that
  14. Currently steaming, driving round bournemouth in the boot of a car

  15. What i’m getting at is if he has to check realtor constantly for 15hours and maybe only pickup a decent house every week or so, then there is no hope for the average player to get one. Use your brain and try comprehend what i’m saying
  16. Cheese played up to 15 hours a day on Olympus, checking the realtor extremely often to find houses. Don’t compare that majestic beast to the average player
  17. What does everyone say on forums all the time??? Or just look in side chat, you’ll see loads of people complaining about silla rdm- i know you know about it and the fact your trying to make people believe you have no clue is just insulting, not everyone on this server is a half wit
  18. People don’t even report it anymore cause of how common it is in kav. People don’t care enough to upload a 5min video when we’re naked to get people banned.
  19. Your gang rdm’s everyone. I’m not fully trying to hate on silla and say there are no positives, i’m sure there are, but the constant rule breaking from silla in kav is just shocking
  20. I’ve matured quite a bit since last playing cop, about 600days ago was the last time i had a police whitelist, i do plan on playing police again once i can but your gang makes it incredibly hard for people to enjoy the server, especially new players who are very easy to be put off from playing the server again. I have 3000hours on arma and i don’t even wanna put up with your shit never mind somebody with no hours who’s just trying to have a good time with their mates.
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