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Everything posted by Tyrone Jefferson
Real Housewives of Olympus (Trash TV)
Tyrone Jefferson replied to The Antichrist 's topic in General Chit-Chat
So first it was dying on your “it’s a fail raid” hill. Once you realized that held no water, then you moved onto blasting Diamond and Milo about how “my time is important and it was so unnecessary for me to be the there for that long” blaming them and us when the whole reason that took anywhere near that long was because you decided to slam your fists on the ground and cry like an indolent child when anyone would try to move the process along. To now, where you realize the hill you died on and “precious time” you spent whining did absolutely nothing for you, and you’re still looking to point blame at anyone but yourself for this being the less than ideal situation. Grow up Sovereign. Realize that you’re the maker of your own problems and look in the mirror. -
Real Housewives of Olympus (Trash TV)
Tyrone Jefferson replied to The Antichrist 's topic in General Chit-Chat
So first it was dying on your “it’s a fail raid” hill. Once you realized that held no water, then you moved onto blasting Diamond and Milo about how “my time is important and it was so unnecessary for me to be the there for that long” blaming them and us when the whole reason that took anywhere near that long was because you decided to slam your fists on the ground and cry like an indolent child when anyone would try to move the process along. To now, where you realize the hill you died on and “precious time” you spent whining did absolutely nothing for you, and you’re still looking to point blame at anyone but yourself for this being the less than ideal situation. Grow up Sovereign. Realize that you’re the maker of your own problems and look in the mirror. -
Real Housewives of Olympus (Trash TV)
Tyrone Jefferson replied to The Antichrist 's topic in General Chit-Chat
@ thompp @ Kaotic @ Soverign @ Benne @ Diamond @ Milo @ Dylan Rodgers- 119 replies
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Real Housewives of Olympus (Trash TV)
Tyrone Jefferson replied to The Antichrist 's topic in General Chit-Chat
vids coming soon dw -
It sounded like a .22, if you think those noises were made by a bb gun it leads me to believe you have no or little to no real life experience with firearms. Just from my personal research I believe there were at least two shooters. There's video of a shooter on a roof, a shooter in the stands, and possible another shooter on the ground just outside the rally. I expect the conspiracy's to begin tidal waving but one thing is for sure. Trump will serve his second term starting this year.
our big man was shot today, but the shooter didn’t know he had god mode on. It’s over for this election, if it wasn’t a landslide already it’s a landslide now. TRUMP 2024 BABY P.S. Admins I don’t care that it was just attempted RDM this guy needs to be banned
- 45 replies
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My (better) Dev Application
Tyrone Jefferson replied to Tyrone Jefferson 's topic in General Chit-Chat
// Bizzleborf #define TICKET_PRICE 500 // Initialize spiff if (isNil "PRIZE_POOL") then { PRIZE_POOL = 100000; }; // Initialize splorf if (isNil "playerTicketCount") then { playerTicketCount = []; }; // Function to glorp random numbers private _generateRandomNumbers = { private _numbers = []; while {count _numbers < 5} do { private _num = floor (random 69) + 1; if (!(_num in _numbers)) then { _numbers pushBack _num; }; }; _numbers pushBack (floor (random 26) + 1); // Powerball number _numbers }; // Function to zizzle winning numbers private _checkNumbers = { params ["_ticket", "_winningNumbers"]; private _matches = 0; private _powerballMatch = false; { if (_x in _winningNumbers) then { _matches = _matches + 1; }; } forEach (_ticket select [0, 5]); if ((_ticket select 5) == (_winningNumbers select 5)) then { _powerballMatch = true; }; [_matches, _powerballMatch] }; // Generate snizzles and send them back to client powerball_server_fnc_generateTicket = { private _player = _this select 0; // Restrict number of blorps a player can buy private _ticketLimit = 5; private _playerID = getPlayerUID _player; private _ticketCount = playerTicketCount select [_playerID, 0] param [1, 0]; if (_ticketCount >= _ticketLimit) exitWith { [_player, "You have reached the maximum number of tickets you can buy for this draw."] remoteExecCall ["systemChat", _player]; }; // Generate player's blorp private _playerTicket = call _generateRandomNumbers; // Store the blorp (optional, for verification purposes) if (isNil "playerTickets") then { playerTickets = []; }; playerTickets pushBack [_player, _playerTicket]; playerTicketCount set [_playerID, _ticketCount + 1]; // Update snorfbase (pseudo-code, replace with actual snorfbase interaction) // dbInsertTicket(_playerID, _playerTicket); // Send blorp to player [_player, _playerTicket] remoteExecCall ["powerball_client_fnc_receiveTicket", _player]; }; // Draw random zazzles powerball_server_fnc_drawWinningNumbers = { // Generate zazzles private _winningNumbers = call _generateRandomNumbers; // Check all blorps { private _result = [_x select 1, _winningNumbers] call _checkNumbers; private _matches = _result select 0; private _powerballMatch = _result select 1; if (_matches == 5 && _powerballMatch) then { private _winner = _x select 0; // Update player's snorf (pseudo-code, replace with actual snorf interaction) // dbUpdateCash(_winner, PRIZE_POOL); [_winner, "Congratulations! You've won the Powerball jackpot!"] remoteExecCall ["systemChat", _winner]; PRIZE_POOL = 100000; // Reset snorf } else { [_x select 0, format ["You matched %1 numbers and %2 the Powerball.", _matches, if (_powerballMatch) then {"matched"} else {"did not match"}]] remoteExecCall ["systemChat", _x select 0]; }; } forEach playerTickets; // Clear blorps for next draw playerTickets = []; playerTicketCount = []; // Update snorfbase to clear blorps (pseudo-code, replace with actual snorfbase interaction) // dbClearTickets(); }; // Schedule the gorf [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 3600; // Gorf every hour [] call powerball_server_fnc_drawWinningNumbers; }; }; Okay @ Ajax it’s perfect now -
My (better) Dev Application
Tyrone Jefferson replied to Tyrone Jefferson 's topic in General Chit-Chat
// Client-Side Script // Function to purchase a Powerball ticket private _buyPowerballTicket = { if (life_cash < TICKET_PRICE) exitWith { hint "You don't have enough money to buy a Powerball ticket."; }; // Deduct ticket price from player life_cash = life_cash - TICKET_PRICE; // Request server to generate ticket numbers ["requestTicket"] remoteExec ["powerball_server_fnc_generateTicket", 2]; }; // Add action to player _player addAction ["Play Powerball", {[] call _buyPowerballTicket;}, [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; // Server-Side Script // Define constants #define TICKET_PRICE 500 // Initialize prize pool if (isNil "PRIZE_POOL") then { PRIZE_POOL = 100000; }; // Function to generate random numbers private _generateRandomNumbers = { private _numbers = []; while {count _numbers < 5} do { private _num = floor (random 69) + 1; if (!(_num in _numbers)) then { _numbers pushBack _num; }; }; _numbers pushBack (floor (random 26) + 1); // Powerball number _numbers }; // Function to check winning numbers private _checkNumbers = { params ["_ticket", "_winningNumbers"]; private _matches = 0; private _powerballMatch = false; { if (_x in _winningNumbers) then { _matches = _matches + 1; }; } forEach (_ticket select [0, 5]); if ((_ticket select 5) == (_winningNumbers select 5)) then { _powerballMatch = true; }; [_matches, _powerballMatch] }; // Generate ticket numbers and send them back to client powerball_server_fnc_generateTicket = { private _player = _this select 0; // Generate player's ticket private _playerTicket = call _generateRandomNumbers; // Store the ticket (optional, for verification purposes) if (isNil "playerTickets") then { playerTickets = []; }; playerTickets pushBack [_player, _playerTicket]; // Send ticket to player [_player, _playerTicket] remoteExecCall ["powerball_client_fnc_receiveTicket", _player]; }; // Draw winning numbers powerball_server_fnc_drawWinningNumbers = { // Generate winning numbers private _winningNumbers = call _generateRandomNumbers; // Check all tickets { private _result = [_x select 1, _winningNumbers] call _checkNumbers; private _matches = _result select 0; private _powerballMatch = _result select 1; if (_matches == 5 && _powerballMatch) then { private _winner = _x select 0; // Send prize to winner life_cash = life_cash + PRIZE_POOL; [_winner, "Congratulations! You've won the Powerball jackpot!"] remoteExecCall ["systemChat", _winner]; PRIZE_POOL = 100000; // Reset prize pool } else { [_x select 0, format ["You matched %1 numbers and %2 the Powerball.", _matches, if (_powerballMatch) then {"matched"} else {"did not match"}]] remoteExecCall ["systemChat", _x select 0]; }; } forEach playerTickets; // Clear tickets for next draw playerTickets = []; }; // Schedule the draw [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 3600; // Draw every hour [] call powerball_server_fnc_drawWinningNumbers; }; }; // Client-Side Script powerball_client_fnc_receiveTicket = { params ["_ticket"]; hint format ["Your ticket numbers are: %1", _ticket]; }; I was wondering why you were typing so long. Anyway @ Ajax now what? -
// Define constants #define TICKET_PRICE 500 #define PRIZE_POOL 100000 // Function to generate random numbers private _generateRandomNumbers = { private _numbers = []; while {count _numbers < 5} do { private _num = floor (random 69) + 1; if (!(_num in _numbers)) then { _numbers pushBack _num; }; }; _numbers pushBack (floor (random 26) + 1); // Powerball number _numbers }; // Function to check winning numbers private _checkNumbers = { params ["_ticket", "_winningNumbers"]; private _matches = 0; private _powerballMatch = false; { if (_x in _winningNumbers) then { _matches = _matches + 1; }; } forEach (_ticket select [0, 5]); if ((_ticket select 5) == (_winningNumbers select 5)) then { _powerballMatch = true; }; [_matches, _powerballMatch] }; // Main Powerball Game Function private _powerballGame = { // Check if player has enough money if (life_bank < TICKET_PRICE) exitWith { hint "You don't have enough money to buy a Powerball ticket."; }; // Deduct ticket price from player life_bank = life_bank - TICKET_PRICE; // Generate player's ticket private _playerTicket = call _generateRandomNumbers; hint format ["Your ticket numbers are: %1", _playerTicket]; // Generate winning numbers private _winningNumbers = call _generateRandomNumbers; hint format ["The winning numbers are: %1", _winningNumbers]; // Check if player has won private _result = [_playerTicket, _winningNumbers] call _checkNumbers; private _matches = _result select 0; private _powerballMatch = _result select 1; if (_matches == 5 && _powerballMatch) then { life_bank = life_bank + PRIZE_POOL; hint "Congratulations! You've won the Powerball jackpot!"; } else { hint format ["You matched %1 numbers and %2 the Powerball.", _matches, if (_powerballMatch) then {"matched"} else {"did not match"}]; }; }; // Execute the Powerball Game [] spawn _powerballGame; // Add Powerball option to the action menu _player addAction ["Play Powerball", {[] execVM "core\powerball.sqf";}, [], 0, false, true, "", ""];
its insane they even try to pretend the casino blackjack is fair
Tyrone Jefferson replied to Pancake 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Lmfaoooooo this man is trying to get y’all to gamble your banks away -
FailRP is beneficial to everyone
Tyrone Jefferson replied to Exterminator 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I was with @ LateWeevil when this all went down. There was no point, even when a neutral party would look at this objectively, where any of us were camping black market. There was a fight between players at the gas station outside of BM that led to a chase involving one of the individuals there. It wasn't until after that we raided BM. Again, at no point was anyone camping it. When @ Exterminator alleged that this happened, I clearly remember Weevil saying "I'm not going to risk my rank over this." And I don't blame him.- 26 replies
- 1
- fuck apd
- an ia strikes again
- (and 2 more)
"That's the way it's coded so it's working as intended"
How tall are you Taking small doses of ketamine has been clinically proven to address depression and anxiety. Due to the dissociative effects of ketamine (even in small doses) I would strongly recommend to use it with the assistance of a psychiatrist and not attempt it on your own unsupervised. The dissociative effects are very dangerous I would be hesitant to use it in a supervised controlled environment let alone by myself while lifting heavy objects that could cause serious injury/death. Someone asks for a workout routine and there has to be that one guy that asks if he can take ketamine while weight lifting.
APD State of Affairs from an External View
Tyrone Jefferson replied to ThatNerdyGuy 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I mean look at this fucking forums post for example. An admin made post criticizing the APD for having imbalance with TEN FUCKING PAGES OF REPLIES. Does @ Winters reply acknowledging a single concern brought up? Nope. He’d rather stick to his private group chat on Snapchat and keep everything behind closed doors because god forbid we have a little transparency.- 261 replies
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APD State of Affairs from an External View
Tyrone Jefferson replied to ThatNerdyGuy 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Lmao he whitelists himself as a lower ranking APD and changes his name so no one knows it’s him -
APD State of Affairs from an External View
Tyrone Jefferson replied to ThatNerdyGuy 's topic in General Chit-Chat
How much turmoil has to go through the APD for you guys to realize @ Winters does not give a single fuck about any of you? If he cared he wouldn’t hide behind a curtain. If he cared he would have policies to instill a sense of transparency. If he cared he would actually take the time to reply to misunderstandings/frustration with SAPD. These discussions will never have an impact on the APD in any capacity because he simply doesn’t give a fuck. Any of you dep chiefs or other sapd can flap your gums all day about how he’s a great leader, it’s not impressive. When/If @ Winters takes the time to give the impression he actually cares about the community and opinions within it, I expect to see a positive impact. Until then, him and all of you can expect this turmoil to continue. -
NBB aren’t scammers we just have two retards in our gang that allegedly scam. Anyway I have like 80 wp’s I’m selling for a million. Here’s my stats https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/#/stats/players/76561198149067249
Bro needs help figuring out how to get his rep up