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Everything posted by evannnn

  1. +1 thats why i put sped up
  2. will do captain to be fair the server was more fun when hackers gave everyone 2 billion dollars
  3. i wish
  4. stop it pls
  5. ok guys i was just asking a question
  6. so is the reason it hasnt been removed / sped up is because the devs cant do it? or because they dont want to
  7. you can knock the walls down now and apd gets titans? epic sauce
  8. why is everyone at @SuWooPs neck

    what is happening

    1. Monks


      lol people arent actually angery they are just making fun of him bc we havent had a roundtable yet

  9. stop ur embarrassing yourself
  10. can we get this emoji added as a reaction plz:😎

  11. evannnn


    @Zurph get owned
  12. dude how do you still have medic tags
  13. does no one here know how to spell? its peeking not peaking
  14. only issue with this is that im pretty sure they want people to lose money, not to gain it, which is why adding an incentive to fight is harder than you think. could be wrong tho
  15. this. squatter gangs have 10+ people and dont step foot in warzone putting drug on church would maybe help that hah they went a whole "event month" without a single cartel event.
  16. easiest way to stay up all day?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mutiny


      @Randyy has this shit figured out

    3. JuanDeaged


      Don’t get bored

    4. Creepy


      Meth. The answer is meth.

  17. so i get 5mil right i contributed
  18. i found one of the easter eggs behind the bank can i have money
  19. look at the sale stats blowing the bomb is easy, then someone rage pulls 20 hunters last wave and its impossible to get out with the trucks
  20. hard to do feds these days with the apd how it is
  21. i cant load into the server, the green bar wont move. how do i fix

    1. Energyyy
    2. evannnn
    3. Jonesy


      If waiting for ever still doesn't work, you could try deleting the mission file and restarting arma, that's worked in the past for me 

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