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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Freakin Shweet man! Great work.
  2. 07 Peter. A roast that can be hard-hitting, yet subtle due to eloquence and delivery is a rarity in this community. I'd say that was medium-rare. Good job. 

  3. Checked into my hotel room for the night. LAPD Background Interview's tomorrow at 0700. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Always shoot the suspect as your rounds only taze and won't kill anyone.

    3. Phizx


      Probable cause to search? Hmm let me check the olympus forums real quick Kappa

    4. RogueMK


      Good luck man hope you put on your reference that your cheif of police here! Surely that's instant promotion haha 

  4. Ifrit textures?
  5. I suppose it's a bit late, but here's an alternate Red Bull livery if you ever wanted to do that in the future. Looks great though. Nice job.
  6. Outshot everyone at the range despite the sights on my gun being way off. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Muthinator


      The real question is, would you have shot the same with the sites being centered?

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Would've shot better. I was having to hold left of centre to print in the red. I was still managing hand-sized groups at 7yds which is adequate. Other people that had carbines and were shooting two-foot groups at the same distance.

    4. ComradeGoonie


      "Other people that had carbines and were shooting two-foot groups at the same distance. "


  7. Eating my body weight in sushi again. Still worth. 

  8. I think I may have just eaten my body weight in sushi...

    1. Natsirt











    2. Dejay


      900 lbs of sushi. Thats a lot

  9. Went with rock because it's closest to the Rock & Roll from the 60s & 70s that I prefer to listen to.
  10. Civs should never be safe from police contact. That's why we can raid cartels and rebels provided we meet the reqs to do so.
  11. You don't need PC to go into a cartel or rebel. As long as you have the minimum requirements to conduct a raid, you can do one just for the hell of it. It's frowned upon by some, but it's not a rule.
  12. Really? We can't down-vote posts? Go back to the way it was. We need a way to voice our dissent without having to roast people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethal


      LOL, who was the bitch boy complaining? fucking SJW's ruin everything

    3. QKSILVR73
  13. Toe Knee told me he missed a few. Not a dime will come out of my pocket until the complete and utter eradication of the disease that we call Big Towers is dealt with in it's entirety.
  14. Great. Now all of the remaining towers will become Hoovervilles for all of the idiots who will soon suffer from quick-peek withdrawals.
  15. Cheesegrater coming in with that Thomas Blinder post.
  16. You'd be surprised at how much a gang tag can dissuade a cop from RPing with you while you're in custody. They know you've got people on the way even if they've taken all of your communicative devices. It is what it is.
  17. I think if you're going to smash-talk medics, you should probably try playing the faction first. I get they have their downsides, but calling them a retarded faction is a bit much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krypton


      Try playing civ...it probably wouldn't go well for you.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I've got 30k minutes on Civ. I'm well aware of the problems in R&R. I am in agreement with the addition of defibrillators, but they have to be highly regulated. Just don't put all of the blame on R&R, and for the love of Christ, don't get rid of them.

    4. krypton


      Exactly Alwayz...it's not like defibbed will be easy necesarilly.

      I want medics to still exist...but right now everyone is saying adding defibs Will kill medics...it wont!!

  18. 60 - 27 in our favour. Thank God that third option was there to split the vote. Like politics. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down those towers
  19. Yes it would. We would see the complete and utter extermination of the Big Towers. Think of it as the Final Solution to the Big Tower question.
  20. Get rid of them all. "Good Players" will be brought back to reality while making things less campy and less laggy. It'll force people to think of new ways to defend positions. I'll donate if this happens.
  21. 1. Most Dominant Gang: [MC] 2. Favorite Player: Virus 3. Favorite APD Member: McDili 4. Favorite R&R Member: Peter Hunter 5. Favorite Retired APD Member: HamOfMoose 6. Favorite Retired R&R Member: Fugi 7. Kavala Troll King: Conan the Destroyer 8. Favorite Time on Server: When Ace and all of his buds left. Good riddance. 9. Funniest Moment: Reference my YouTube video: Too Many Orcas 10. Something I want in the Community: The complete and utter extermination of the Big Towers 11. Favorite Quote: "Was the water wet?" -Adi
  22. Thank you thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
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