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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. Money grows on trees*
  2. Is it possible to make it so that someone pays ex 1k to enter and whichever team wins gets all the entering fees of the other team?
  3. Seeing my old PC is RIP now how does this build look? Trying to get some opinions.   http://pcpartpicker.com/p/vmyWqs

    1. Dustin87


      I wouldnt spend less than 700... but i mean this is good



  4. The drama llamas struck!!! But by the looks of it we pulled through it!!!

  5. @Shelby dont foget symfuhnny too!

  6. Loving how we're all restricted currently and cant comment or start new threads ggwp

    1. Poseidon


      Lol i got finals in the morning. I'm just trying to make sure the fireplace is low enough to prevent catching the house on fire over night

  7. Tier 3 + or riot???
  8. Alright thank you! I'll go add that right now
  9. Will do thanks
  10. I have now went through and fixed most of the mistakes in there. There is still most likely some grammatical errors but eventually it will all be ironed out.
  11. Yeah I'm going through it atm and attempting to fix as much as I can
  12. Well I saw someone on the forums the other day asking how to do some certain things and he had got his answer but over all this inspired me to create this. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12apMBTrggiH2Qc-t-83qB6Ul1VKYUCNs4yv0gzIx6gw/edit?usp=docslist_api If you have any feedback or suggestions or even questions about it please pm me and I'll get to it ASAP. This is mainly for new players so hope it helps someone some day Also one little note the legal runs get a little bit repetitive after. Thanks for the downvotes in advance
  13. Can't log in currently #RIPPC can anyone hook me up with a screen shot of the new map?

  14. Also if you buy a expensive vehicle you should make sure you have enough to insure it as well so it doesn't get chopped and lost
  15. Rip, Another one bites the dust :/
  16. The database is down
  17. Bout sums it up tbh
  18. No one knew Gary!!!!
  19. Fastik

    Hi :)

    Welcome to Olympus hope to see U in game
  20. I will go to extreme lengths to get this ice cream truck.
  21. It's sad when you can spend most of your day sitting aboard your truck and not have to get out... Vehicle WiFi hotspots ftw

  22. That moment when you want to go catch a movie with a friend and you ask him, and he be like someone already asked me. So you keep looking around and find out everyone has plans to go see it already q.q

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fastik


      Brand new movie brah can't Netflix and chill that.

    3. BENJI


      you know what I mean

    4. Fastik


      And I don't feel like Netflix and chilling vy my lonesum okay. God.

      That's Friday night.

  23. No he's not put his name there as I was replying to him but I quoted him didn't I? Nvm I didnt
  24. @SPBojo @Grandma Gary@Peter Long@D3V1L It's the OSPD now bojo
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