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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. @HamOfMoose he just does things like this
  2. Good bye Moose Gonna miss ya man, good luck with life!
  3. Shouldn't of got banned in the first place :D:D
  4. He's prob just gonna get another warning for that shit
  5. I think we should just not argue about it... It happened its over. Nothing you can do about it now.
  6. So where did pink go she like POOFED O.o

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Pinkstreak


      Paw, no one asked you dickhead. My moms funeral and medical expenses well exceed my means currently not that I need to explain my current financial situation to you. I miss you fastik, Bubb, Brody, and ebby, though dearly. I'll be back when I can. Love you guys!!

    3. Fastik


      Hopefully you will be back. And good luck!

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      You are really missed Pinkie, Hope it all works out for you girl... IF you need anything, do not be afraid to ask us for help and comfort :) 

  7. Fastik

    Altis IRL

    Well the heroin, cocaine, and Weed buildings are all on cartel island on Google maps and frog I think too not 100% sure
  8. We didn't get snow on the side ventar lmao
  9. Olympus shall never fall!!!!
  10. MX for pos hype
  11. Pfft 200 posts we need bojo here with his post count.
  12. Disappointed with the fake stats page.

  13. teach them a lesson Hades!!!
  14. Bye!!! Have a good one! Hope to see you come back at some point!
  15. Wow so many ppl born today.

  16. Prae
  17. Thats pre wipe... I miss my fifty cal collection. Seems I was using one here Also horny platypus, and dimitri was there as well not sure who else
  18. kerry pls
  19. CCCC: 2 DDDD: 76 PB: 666 Gang: The Great Tree
  20. Happy second birthday penguims :D

  21. Happy 95th bday Computer!!!!

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