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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. The greatest thing about this post is that there is so much shit on here that isnt even close to being correct. People lose interest or get busy. just because they arent the most active now doesnt mean that they werent before. Next time do a little research before making yourself look like an absolute fucking idiot.
  2. sure why not most of the csats are gone no clue how much they are also ill be on tomorrow around 4pm cst
  3. All houses are s2 DP 25 2 crate https://gyazo.com/6da5f8a5e96b18ea29b554326e08d1c0 DP 19 3 crate https://gyazo.com/96229d228adf4997b09a01b4e93e6f58 DP 13 4 crate https://gyazo.com/96229d228adf4997b09a01b4e93e6f58 A few Csat and some other random shit https://gyazo.com/03b772fe4331a1f8405ce26d07a0fc16 https://gyazo.com/742ae1176373c895a1a70d76358f5ce2 Make offers green hex are gone
  4. ./
  5. DP19 3 crater DP13 4 crater DP25 2 crater DP1 4 crater Make Offers
  6. Peter Long got in it before the AA was hacked and blew it up
  7. happy birthday @Peta

    1. Peta


      <3 thank you very much man

  8. Since no one wants my vegas odds I got 1 mill on mcgregor

    1. bigSMOKE


      ill take that bet

    2. Midnight
    3. Midnight


      I'll see if Rex or ignis will just grab the $ from my account

  9. i got 1 mill on McGregor with vegas odds... anyone taking it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnight


      you taking the bet?


    3. bigSMOKE


      "Vegas odds" haha you're gonna fool someone but not me 

    4. Midnight
  10. When she asks if you want sum fuk

    1. User_0000


      ma nigga peter griffin tryna catch a case 

  11. now finally done being called in for work... back up for listing
  12. ill be heading to work shortly.. ill most likely sell this tomorrow
  13. As stated above! leave offers
  14. congrats @Fushigi dont drown yourself anytime soon.... @Decimus congrats to you also, lucky for you the uniforms are dark so it shouldn't bother you too much goth boy

  15. @Goodman it was great having you here. Hope to see you around here and there o7
  16. Also Selling a DP25 2 crater
  17. come hang out with me and RambleR


    1. PoptartRex


      Guys don't click it! Its an IP grabber! :Kappa:

  18. i find it to be completely unnecessary. the stacks are bad enough do we really need to make it easier for the cops?
  19. @Dominick Ramos @Pledge

    Congrats to the both of you. i couldnt think of 2 more deserving people 

  20. have you heard of elaborating instead of a blanket ass statement
  21. 1. IGN: Midnight 2. How did you find Olympus?: Lost Oubai 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Kavala Space Program
  22.  DP 24 3 crater server 2 for sale

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