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Everything posted by Revenge

  1. Pussy, How Many Times Have I Told You? Upload the video before and with AUDIO. be a man. THERE IS A WAR THERE. CONFLICT ZONE, MY ROLE ZONE, Rol Play?
  2. Accordingly, I should have taken the Medics as Hostage. But instead of taking a hostile attitude, I asked him not to act. Scribbel Actually Got Me. And Gone Away. But Grizzly Insisted. You should also not forget this. I'm fighting a gang. I got 1 kill. They surrounded me. If I'm doing these with the current psychology, isn't it suitable for the role? Thank you for your comment. Actually, I could. Maybe it was Crossfire. The moment he was shot in the video, he says it himself. We saw but who is hostile who is friendly Why A Medic Resurrects Himself In The Red Zone Where He Was Killed.?
  3. Dude, I guess you didn't understand the subject well.
  4. Guys, I'm just curious about your comments. Briefly, this is how it happened. I'm fighting someone in the Black Market. Medics are coming. I tell them not to revive. And I see a medic revive. I'm killing. He reports me with this short video. I'm banned. Even though I said not to resuscitate, I killed you for still trying to resuscitate him. Grizzly Persistently Says I Didn't Revive Him. But as you can see in the video, the Animation comes to the end. (It could not be revived, probably due to a game bug.) Could you please comment impartially? 1- Is it my fault here? 2- Does being a Support Person require making a decision against it?
  5. We Can Add "Convert To Cash" Button.
  6. BigBoss @ Headless    Happy New Years Brother.   Have a Good Life.

  7. In a video description he uploaded; "Hey Olympus Staff this is the video footage of Kill Revenge yet again RDMing one of OMNI members. This man has been harassing us and repeatedly initiating us just after returned from his most recent ban. And has already yet again RDM'd one of my gang members. His actions not only disrespect me and my members, but you as staff and your server for especially returning from the same offense and immediately breaking it." You couldn't cope with me and started begging for help from the staff. You are really retarded. Get that in your stupid head. I did not return from any ban. Yes, I was banned with the invalid video evidence you provided. I Instantly protested, they removed it. You and your gang mates like you can never beat me. I'm a much better player than you. No matter how outnumbered you are. I fuck you every time. You keep presenting invalid video evidence like this. And I will continue to fight you stronger each time. As long as I play this game, I will always fuck you. Try to ban me as much as you want. Do your best. I will always stand upright before you.
  8. Dear game friends, First of all, Greetings to everyone. I first registered here in 2019. I've been playing for 2040 hours. During this time I was suspended many times. Rightly or unjustly. There are those who love, and those who don't. I have likes and dislikes. I have always said this. The greater my friendship, the greater my enmity. My country and my personality were insulted. I declared war on them. I will fight until the end. We Turks want even our enemies to be valiant. Unfortunately, my enemies are characterless and consist of an army of fears. The player named "Omni Manbe" reported me. I reported him because the evidence he presented was invalid. And he was punished. The player named "Omni MrFloppyBottoms" reported me. I will report this as well and it will most likely be banned from the game. He said the following in his proof video description: " Kill Revenge, RDMING again in this server. Please for the love of god ban this man." I really laughed at this. If you are uniting in a gang name, you should establish good communication with each other. I am engaged to one of you, but your other gang member does not know about it. *I will fight them until the OMNI Gang is completely destroyed. I will kill everyone I see. Have a nice Games
  9. If He Meets Me In Real Life, He Kneels In Front Of Me And Apologizes.   Motherfucker ... 

    1. Rafa


      @ notsodank

      Bu efendinin ayaklarına kapanıp merhamet dileneceksin!

    2. Revenge


      @ rafa  Where trust ends, Everything ends!

  10. They Did Everything We Didn't Do Because It Wasn't Befitting Us. 

  11. I think Kamikaze voted for himself.
  12. Congratulations to the Comp or Ban Gang. They can eliminate any player they want, thanks to their Staff Friends.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Revenge


      Retart WavyTy..    You know very well that the car is empty. I'm the first to start a role.  if you had started You would be right. I couldn't send my car to the Garage.    Let's call it a timing error for the second video.   You asked for 300K money. I said I can give 200K.  I was waiting for your answer. 


      Every Staff ;  If I'm lying, let them come and say I'm lying.  My reports were answered after 12 days.   These people upload videos on the 6th day and I get banned by their admin friends the next day. 

      I'm really fed up with this staff. I wanted to quit many times. I Restarted. but I don't want to play at all because of this staff.  remember that what Big John said about "Noble" is true.


    3. WavyTy


      Breaks rules, gets banned, cries on forums. L8tr m8!

    4. Revenge


      @ WavyTy  I will not answer you. We have a Word. "Don't be a child with a child". Go to bed early Tomorrow your father will take you to the park.

  13. @ Soylu How can you trample on the Powers and Responsibilities you have?  What are you trying to do? What is your problem?  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Revenge


      Someday you're all gonna fuck off. You will never be remembered. Scales of Justice Infallible.

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      All anybody will remember are the weird freaks who sharked caps and swore that they were just a "tactical genius."

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      You might even say that @ Noble ...





















      isn’t very noble HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA

  14. It's killing me. He's out of the game until the Medic arrives. Then someone else commits an Act of Terror in Kavala. By the time the Medic arrives, he's out of the game. How will we use this Dispute?

  15. I read all of them.
  16. Seniors of the council mostly (-- Who are they? appoints the Staff (-- I want name
  17. Happy New Years, Ways... brother @ Mike Lit

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      This made my day brother. Thanks

  18. Hello everyone, I have some questions. Who appoints the staff? Who are the voters of the Civic Council? Does number 1 know what's going on on the server? Where is Ryan in the decisions made? When moderators remove a player, is the decision reviewed? Who are the staff in charge of Apd ? Who are the staff in charge of Medics? Why is the cops, who seized our pistol, Sending Cabal's Ifrit to the Parking? Finally, (for some Staff) Do you have fun on Teamspeak or Discord when you drop players with Aimbot or God On Mod?
  19. ı want meet one of the staff on this server is mod on  a arma cheating site  😛

    1. Xlax


      See, if you read the thread with your eyes and didn't take what idiots say on the forums as fact, this wouldn't be posted. 

  20. Brother, maybe I'll go to council if I'm a cheater.
  21. Where can I find aimbot? I want to buy... One or more of these mandem kids were banned from asylum for cheating.
  22. The american dream wasn't meant for me, cause lady liberty's a hypocrite she lied to me, promised me freedom, education, and equality never gave me nothing but slavery but now look at how dangerous you made me callin me a mad man because im strong and bold.  👊        Tupac Shakur 

  23. AND THE PUZZLE IS COMPLETE.. *We can lock the Topic.
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