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Everything posted by Lea

  1. You are special!
  2. Damn, I must be improving people trying to flex killing me on the server now... My ego is HUGE! https://gyazo.com/7f22601e1112467b876ed4cfc39f47ac Wait... Do I have to make a montage now that I've made it big around here or what?
  3. Lea


    I think it's an intentional inside job @ ClashBy they figured out you were putting laxatives in the coffee.. Switch to medic while you can!
  4. Lea

    Happy Birthday 😃

  5. Bloody Marys are for when you want a drink, soup, a snack, and a pickle all at the same time. Just sayin!

  6. Hello friends,

    I'd like to introduce to you an old practice that, by reading the forums these past few days, your mama would appreciate if you'd at least try. It's this small thing called "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."  🐇

    🙁 I am embarrassed on behalf of all the mothers out there. 

    Do better, end of discussion. 

    And a note to the staff repeatedly tangling yourself in the mess, please remember that you are the beacon🎇 upon which all others should strive, your example is pretty low right now. 

    Very disappointing performance on all fronts for me.


    Server Mom❤️

    Cupcakes in Kav today for good behavior only.🧁

  7. I thought we agreed we wouldn't out each other like this... Err I mean I don't know you, stranger danger...
  8. Morning nerds! 😃

  9. Lea

    That girl Lea

    Damn, nice to meet you as well
  10. I'd fire my PA for the lack of punctuation alone. Thanks for the Wendy's!
  11. I see I'm living rent free in your fat head kid. Go eat another donut. 

    1. doctor doom

      doctor doom

      You are correct. I let a 40 year old unemployed woman from Arma 3 live rent free in my head.

  12. True.
  13. I think this is more appropriate for you... 


    1. FaXe


      hi lea my friend @ CaloomClark  needs to talk with you

      thanks in advance

      - FaXe massive knob

    2. eknjack


      piss off woman

  14. Lea


    I wish you well in your irl venture. While your absence may not be felt by everyone, it'll be felt by those that matter.
  15. Lea

    I am less mad now. You might get cupcakes by the end of the month.

    Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey

    1. eknjack


      could i get a chicken sandwhich with the crusts cut off pls?

  16. Selling my weed house in Neri. Fully upgraded. Top of the hill, excellent for back pack pro runs. 5 mil. It is already listed.
  17. Lea

    I'm still mad

    Sad Baby GIF

  18. Story time kids. I'm OLD AF so GET OFF MY LAWN is now my engagement message! I was 20, working as a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home, newly married, raising a toddler and life was good. That morning I had been assigned the minimal assist wing and I was picking up breakfast trays and helping those who are obviously now my current age get dressed/groomed/etc when the one woman's call light came on and she RARELY put her light on for anything. I walked into her room and there were tears in her eyes, she just kept saying a plane hit a tower and just about that time we watched on live tv the second plane hit. Things in the nursing home came to a halt as people became more and more aware. SO many tears shed as we watched it all unfold. Some of the nurses were already calling their families to prep for them to head there to help. Our employer offered to cover all travel expenses of those who went, though no one was really sure who to contact or where to go. In the days following some nurses were able to get contact information and set up a time to help. Families, friends and even strangers prayed in every religion they could. Many of my friends enlisted. There was a sense of unity. American flags everywhere. More tears as programs showed clips and videos as they became available. The Pledge of Allegiance was said before every event in the dusty small town I came from. It was really surreal in the moment and many were worried that more was coming or that it was the end. But I do not recall anyone running out to the store and hoarding anything. Also, Myspace was barely a thing so there wasn't the easily accessible market we have now via the internet. Love and Light to those who need it as always
  19. Weird signature bro! What are you a simp??! 🤣🤪

  20. Although, I think many already know it but I'm a mom and grandma and old af. I've been through a lot of serious life stuff and I'm always happy to at least listen and add my thoughts when asked for them. Shoot me a message here or in game. Weird messages will be met with equally weird responses for you sarcastic assholes already scheming to take advantage of this.
  21. Hello Oly, I hope you are all having a great day! 💜

  22. Damn I almost had one for you last night but all I heard was, "yOu BeTtEr NoT bE hEaDiNg to ChOp WiTh ThAt LeA"... *eyeroll* If you let me lockpick them then I guess you shouldn't mind losing them
  23. My reasoning behind is that I don't typically clip right away, most times I wait until I get up and see what the scenario is. If it is a newb just learning I try to talk to them first or if it was simply a case of goofing around etc. Basically, if someone wants to be a jerk then I clip and send it. I still send in a fair share of reports though I also regularly clean up my storage and really I have lots of space.
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