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APD Officer
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Everything posted by JaydenB

  1. Bump
  2. Messaged you on discord
  3. Congrats @ XOID on supervisor

  4. All Doors open and every room is accessible and the top story is an open balcony to the roof when i hop on next ill take photos of the inside feel free to dm me offers or place your offer here
  5. 100% if you need to talk my messages are always open I’d rather hear your story then your eulogy
  6. Probably the wrong community to bring something sentimental to but nonetheless, it ain't weak to speak. If you need the help reach out and find it, don't make silly decisions based upon a moment in life.
  7. Happy Birthday Homie 

    1. Nate


      the aussies have a headstart on birthday wishes it isn't fair

  8. ayeeee congrats homie


  9. Happy Birthday homie 

  10. congrats big man

  11. gonna miss the actual server himself being around
  12. i hope to see you around shoot me a message whenever
  13. I’m gonna miss you my guy good luck with it all and don’t be a stranger
  14. That’s a dog acttttt as ifff
  15. happy bday homie

  16. Damn bro putting in hella work for the giveaway good shit
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