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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Server seems more chilled than it used to be.
  2. Can confirm
  3. I got an exploiting ban because I failed to click 'Exit' and clicked 'Switch to Passenger' - mind, I did not kill anyone and was going 10 km/h at most.
  4. One day I'll get a virus from clicking your links.
  5. Fak off Bojo <33
  6. My boy @Thomas won't agree.
  7. Vehicle despawning really needs a fix, I can't run 700 meters to my house for lockpicks because the truck will despawn? Or my car 500 meters away...

    1. krypton


      Thkse doors to are so silly....lolol

  8. "You didn't check my licenses, I need a pardon." - Man in Custody

    1. BENJI


      Confirmed new Top Kek

  9. Large. Icons. Are. Horrible. ._.
  10. There was a car crash I've drove past, I instantly went "Fgt got passanger seated to shiz" and then realised how fucked up my statement was. I also mix up "Redgull" with "Redbull."
  11. You buying them votes like sluts be buying instagram likes bud
  12. Pyrgos HQ has like 3? Previous HQ had the office buildings which were a bigger alternative of the towers.
  13. I'll be sure to pop down there and then and RDM you bud
  14. </3
  15. I'm working on a CQC server, I have some financing issues preventing me from releasing it though. Should be done end of this month when dollah is injected into the bank account.
  16. Might get it on xbox one too (highfive)
  17. Amount of salt produced when someones house gets searched and a MK18 and 50 weed gets seized is unreal. Imagine if now a 4 mil house got taken away. RIP
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