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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. all those hours in the back of the hatchback about to pay off @ Mako

  2. professional yapper
  3. orca is crazy, if you're not getting chased by a ghost hawk ur not playing Olympus
  4. he's actually a community manager AND a Olympus + subscriber I don't see why you would ever question his level of female interaction
  5. bro got a pic posted of him from 5 years ago and threatens to hire a bitcoin hitman how insecure can you be
  6. the matrix has silenced me 

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      if it got deleted its confirmed its him

      makes it even funnier thats the guy who cant play cop without a hawk and armed plane in the air

    2. silton



  7. if you show us your unwashed monkey we can handle this situation for you

  9. also how you gonna mention rent free when you run and cry to admins to delete anything with lil tortilla in it sad little man you are
  10. you're living rent free in your parents house that's about it
  11. The guy is a fucking socially inept cringe lord not sure what you guys expect from him, the man child's vocabulary consists of "hold this L" "deez nutz" and "rent free" cant really get anymore smooth brain than that
  12. Hard to even believe, rest in peace my friend @ DABESTeva
  13. @ Decimus I heard you were goth is that true ?

    1. Eazy


      One thing I don't know why
      It doesn't even matter how hard you try
      Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
      To explain in due time

      All I know
      Time is a valuable thing
      Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
      Watch it count down to the end of the day
      The clock ticks life away

      It's so unreal
      Didn't look out below
      Watch the time go right out the window
      Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know
      I wasted it all just to watch you go

      I kept everything inside and even though I tried
      It all fell apart
      What it meant to me will eventually
      Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

      I tried so hard and got so far
      But in the end it doesn't even matter
      I had to fall to lose it all
      But in the end it doesn't even matter

      One thing, I don't know why
      It doesn't even matter how hard you try
      Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
      To remind myself how I tried so hard

      In spite of the way you were mockin' me
      Acting like I was part of your property
      Remembering all the times you fought with me
      I'm surprised it got so far

      Things aren't the way they were before
      You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
      Not that you knew me back then
      But it all comes back to me in the end

      You kept everything inside and even though I tried
      It all fell apart
      What it meant to me will eventually
      Be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

      I tried so hard and got so far
      But in the end it doesn't even matter
      I had to fall to lose it all
      But in the end it doesn't even matter

      I've put my trust in you
      Pushed as far as I can go
      For all this
      There's only one thing you should know

      I've put my trust in you
      Pushed as far as I can go
      For all this
      There's only one thing you should know

      I tried so hard and got so far
      But in the end it doesn't even matter
      I had to fall to lose it all
      But in the end it doesn't even matter

  14. how many warpoints

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. torre


      ah yes top 5 conquest kills, but im dogshit makes sense, sounds like your coping

    3. Jazzy


      Dia De Los Muertos Box | Family Guy Addicts "ToP 5 CoNqUEsT KiLls"

    4. torre


      still coping

  16. can we free biggs already he's been locked up for to long

  17. ^ lmk
  18. Jazzy

    Joel you seem upset, you should visit https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/  

    1. JoeL


      Why would I need to do that? I’m not banned like your friend?

    2. Jazzy


      check again bozo 🤡

    3. JoeL


      I just played lol

  19. The fact that some 88 dog can sit at a jail and plant a bomb just to grief so we cant do fed after bolt cut needs to be fixed please and thank you 🙏 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jazzy


      it wouldn't even have to be a 30 min cooldown, 10 mins would be enough just so you have time to plant the bomb before someone starts another event. just frustrating people can toll like that we waited 30 mins for a 5th cop to log on and a bomb gets planted at jail by trolls just doing it so we cant do a fed and then we have to wait another 30 mins. just shouldn't be a thing people can do, i'm pretty sure the bomb plant on jail is instant that might be something to look into changing that could help a bit I'm not really sure a 100% fix would have to think about it for a bit but i'm sure something can be done to prevent that 

    3. Millennium


      I don't disagree it is annoying as fuck and shouldn't be a thing, however coming up with a way to prevent it is kinda tough, even if the time was lowered to like 10 minutes I could still see it being an issue. Idk may just need some more thinking into it.

      Atleast you actually came up with an idea though, half the time people say something is broken or they have an issue with it and don't provide any suggestions/ideas to fix it.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Or you just tell them to stop and make it a 1d ban for "fed disruption"

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