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Bobby El Churro

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Everything posted by Bobby El Churro

  1. @ Masonn let me use my baba name

    1. Masonn
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ Masonn i know bro you are my big fan boy but i dont want use fucking mason name

  2. @ stayclaxxy fuck you idiot

    give my nickname back

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Toretto


      You’re going to be mesmerized when Lockheed, Palantir, Boeing, and Raytheon show up to the next war and use it as a training ground for drone swarms, Robocops, and Gen 5 aircraft 😂

    3. NotCalfDance


      @ Welshy  only powerful thing about the welsh is their desire to fuck sheep

    4. Welshy
  3. why change my picture :&

  4. Computer Working GIF

    how to look? some olympus admin


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      why did you post a gif of yourself playing arma baba?

    3. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ stayclaxxy its you bro

      you are 20 IQ arma player

    4. Zeuse


      Baba be nice to my friends......

  5. @ Hazardous bro motherfucker admin change all reply
  6. I will make these men big and strong patriotic Americans, We will conquer Olympus together.

    @ Ryan

  8. fuckin american history Amerika Keşfedilmeseydi Bu Yemekleri Yiyemeyecektik

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ Toretto The Ottoman state was a state that respected churches, did not force anyone to become Muslim, and even tried them according to its own law.

    3. MAV


      Should probably learn your history a little better little bro

    4. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ MAV i know better

      America made black people slaves, you cannot see the Ottomans doing this in any source, America is a racist state.


  9. Osmanlı gerileme tezi - Vikipedi

    1. HydraPOX
    2. MAV


      mans stuck living in the past haha..

      "Bro you should have seen us 500 years ago"

  10. @ -dante- you are old when u r a be retired?

    thanks for all the awosome ban every month! o7

    1. -dante-


      I am old. I retired once before. It was cool. Don’t feel like doing it again 

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Yeah that old mfer needs to get a job. He can’t afford Jordan Love jerseys with staff points 

  11. @ hawkg You also received a brown tag for telling the truth.

    Happy birthday 

    1. hawkg


      Thank you my friend appreciate that 

  12. @ xsmitherz fake xsmitherz happy birthday

  13. Zeuse is Goatcreator
  14. Happy birthday enjoy your day 

    @ -dante-

  15. vs obama GIF

    2 world leader

    #FuckTrump #USAshitCounTry

  16. ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @ Luigi Mangione @ Rufus

    1. Boovin


      ⚠️ TURK MAN try not to JERK OFF over gay man CHALLENGE ⚠️


      🗣️ all TURKISH MAN are GAY 🗣️

    2. Luigi Mangione
    3. Rufus


      I sleep happy every night knowing I'm a strong, white, straight European man in a world of homosexual Turkroaches

  17. bro shut up gay people going europe for married netherlands what r u saying i fuck your mother near your father yourr father happy shut up you are stupid I'm sure your father would be proud of your mother if she had sexual intercourse with a young man
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