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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. Is the items duping bug and ARMA thing or Altis thing? ETA on a fix if its Altis? I have been noticing (T) items being back even after I processed or sold them multiple times. It's very hard keeping track of this across multiple houses on two servers. Guess I'll just have to write it down from now on,

    1. SPBojo


      dupe all you can boi, noones gonna notice, poseidon is to busy playing rocket league anyway

    2. QKSILVR73


      Umm no thanks. Not worth that hammer. 


  2. Yes I have this. it's a pain sometimes, but worth it.
  3. This is exactly why I don't let Steam know my Credit card info.
  4. Pinkstreak sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. My Mom passed away from cancer 3 years ago. It sucks! Cancer sucks! Watching your Mom slowly die sucks. I know. I was at peace knowing she was no longer in pain. It also helped we know God would have a place for her in heaven, I was in the same predicament you are. That being said you are not responsible for her medical bills, Credit card bills, house payment. Basically anything under her name unless you signed something saying you are liable. All that stuff gets written off. That's why companies have insurance for this vary reason. You and your family are liable for the funeral costs. Shop around for headstones. Don't just buy one from the funeral people. We bought a headstone off a place that makes them off the internet. http://granitestategravemarkers.com/ They even shipped it to the cemetery. Also don't fall for those caskets with special seals. Not saying go cheap. It cost us close to $12000 for a funeral with casket and burial. Most of these places have payment plans. Try to do a benefit with friends and family locally too. People made or donated stuff and bid on them. Just rambling now, but trying to help.
  5. The fight for a Tempest Device was off the hook tonight. Everyone chasing Thomas and then the carnage that ensued. I don't think he even damaged it through the whole thing. LOL 

  6.  Go to your neighbor's house and open everything with a door on it; cabinets, refrigerator, oven, drawers. Then, tell him you were raised in a barn - see what he does about that.

  7. Why can't i reply to some topics but others I can?


    1. QKSILVR73


      specifically General questions forum


    2. Thomas


      Idk why do some women let me stick my weiner in their mouth but most won't.  That is the real question here

  8. Sorry that you have to go through this. Spend as much time as you can with her. Prayers for you and your family.
  9. He streams all the time. Subscribe to his channel to get updates when hes on
  10. Don't complain about this. There's enough of that crap already going around. https://youtu.be/FyKWUTwSYAs

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Deadpool makes me moist.

    2. Welch


      That looks fucking dope

    3. BENJI


      Wow, Gary calm down :P

    1. BENJI


      Apparently Win 10 has a problem where it causes frame lag in Arma 3 sadly (from what I've heard) 

    2. QKSILVR73


      Bohemia also stated to wait until at least 1.5 to upgrade



  11. any idea if active streams will be displayed like old forums? Or is this not possible?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Muthinator


      That was an awesome future!

    3. QKSILVR73


      I know. I would hop on see who was streaming and watch. :bender-dance:

    4. Muthinator


      As did I.  I also streamed for anyone that was board of watching paint dry.

  12. Forums tab giving me error.


    1. Poseidon


      Try and flush your DNS and clear your browser cache.

  13. Sooo, Virtual house storage is bugged ATM. Or only new houses. I haven't been all week so I would know
  14. how do we read old status updates??-_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      Thank you :) 


    3. Jorbis


      If you're wondering you can get to that link by going to the more drop down menu on the right hand side under the search bar.

    4. QKSILVR73


      Ok that's better. now I don't have to favorite it. LOL 

  15. kinda boring week for streams this week during the day? Can't get my fix when no streams LOL. Once the kid starts school in a few weeks I can get my fix though so I guess that's good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thomas


      Sorry I work during the day when all the fun is happening and stream at night when everyone is getting off. FML

    3. MeepZ_


      Twitch.tv/the_gamer_known_as_Thomas best stream

    4. QKSILVR73


      I know Thomas not you. Sanders used to stream during day, but I haven't seen him lately. Fedot too.

  16. This show cracks me up!
  17. I drive up in SUV and still get robbed and killed there. I could see if I had a Hemmet or something. But Ive been killed using my quad processing. LOL
  18. someone tried accessing my steam from Ukraine. Bugger off hack...

  19. I have a taxi license but most of the time im in the middle of gathering or processing or doing a run.
  20. GG ZHS-62 and DB BlackJack. Good fights! My heart was pounding each time. :) Sorry for those two guys not following rules. I just met them tonight. Sorry again for my premature bullets being fired. :/ I don't get in many fights so I was kinda jumpy.

    1. Fedot


      Dude my Heart bounds too when i get into a gun fight! I take it as a positive feeling lol

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