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Everything posted by Heritage

  1. This, fuck that. UberEats, Grubhub..etc. Are all predatory as fuck, my wife drives those to pay for her hobbies (Thank god) and she gets ass raped compared to the price you pay on the client side.
  2. Thank you for being an asset to R&R. Best of luck in your future studies!
  3. I'm okay with it minus the Canadian part. Fucking Justin Cuckdoe fan.
  4. It's true. You we're the defining factor. 88s nothing without you online King.
  5. Top kek. APD rolled up BECAUSE I was killing 88. Cope, seethe. Will continue to farm 88 like a hoe on farmersonly.com
  6. Incorrect. I win most engagements with 88. I mean just the other day I took down 6 of you in Sofia single handedly while also fighting APD. And if we're talking about the shittiest gangs it's not 88 or CTF. Booce are the easiest WPs on the server.
  7. Hmmm, what is this war talk? Wouldn't it be easier for us all to go get some Hawaiian barbecued chicken and have a round-table about how 13% of the population commits over 50% of all violent crime?
  8. Not a fan of this either. All it does is hurt solo players not in gangs. At this point, just remove any passive income generation to make the campers at legal/red zone traders happy.
  9. Well deserved!


    Thanks for sling loading me as a Basic and Trebutcheting into Red zones 🙂

    1. PolarBear


      Hell yeah man! Fun times indeed! I look forward to further R&R hijinks*!* I mean, fully legitimate rescue operations in the future! 🤓

  10. In before: "We know how much our fans love ARMA, now we are happy to present the next entry in our franchise! A free to play, full Arma experience on the mobile platform, IOS/Android devices!" "We're calling it: Arma 4: Operation Legends"
  11. Bohemia actually sort of has a track record for this kinda thing. Generally, they say what they mean so I'm pretty sure this is going to be an Arma announcement.
  12. Reminds me of the old bubblegum that used to come in the tin cans in the 90's
  13. o7
  15. Perhaps, no real way to verify the donation vs overhead of hosting and dev either.
  16. Without the owner publicly disclosing their quarterly revenue from donations and the Olympus+ subscription it would be hard to properly appraise the community. With that, I'd wager the value of 25-50k would be about right for it. Now in this case, you'd be trying to buy something that is likely more sentimental to ownership rather than cost effective seeing as Olympus fails to make it's monthly donation quota.
  17. Man this post has a lot of shitlib esque whining. It's fucking Arma, not the San Francisco mental health awareness meeting. Someone said something mean to you? Oh god forbid. It's not like you have weapons, armed vehicles, explosives and more to stick it to them in game. Both sides of this are cringe as fuck. 1. Banning someone for simple insults is low tier shit. 2. Threatening to report someone for calling you fat or saying there's only 2 genders or whatever is dumb as fuck. 3. Whining about it on the forums and trying to pretend you aren't coping and seething behind the keyboard is also lame as fuck. 4. White knighting for online larpers is also cringe as fuck.
  18. If you need to RP some therapy we got you dog. Just hit us up. Put you up on the couch in Kav and everything. You can cry it out bro we don't judge
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