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  1. I do not play anymore, but thank you for the memories.

    1. Rafa


      You are missed jasper. It was a pleasure to play cop with you man! 

    2. Lea
  2. I always considered DP missions to be a nearly AFK very low risk money maker, it was absurd it was making the money it was. Nothing like hopping on a life roleplay server and making money by not once interacting with anyone on the ground. Only people not happy with this change are the people who were doing the runs and the people who were titaning them hahaha.
  3. you are banned big loser don't talk me
  4. I'm talking as a cop having to dump an entire mag into someone to down them. I could catch people out of position but they can still 180 me because their armour just kept them alive.
  5. Armour stacking was a crutch for bad players, just get good.
  6. jasper_


    what's the name of your first pet and also your mother's maiden name haha
  7. Did you mean a 20% decrease for legal? They’re already too good for what they are.
  8. This right here. Legal runs are absolutely ridiculous. I see groups of rebels doing SILVER because it's better than illegal runs, and you can even boost your already large profits with the WPL. No wonder we get massive stacks of cops whenever someone does an federal event, they've been checking empty illegal zones for hours on the EU side. Processing faster is absolutely not the move, you want /more/ interaction in those zones if possible. I also think you make a staggering amount of money from just one day of runs anyway, legal runs need to be toned down and a small buff to illegal runs at best. (And relocation of some of the more expensive illegal runs wouldn't go amiss, moonshine gets checked once per restart by a corporal in a heli, and is a giant money printer for the big gang alliance in the south.)
  9. Next up get that Orbit guy outta here.
  10. Only a 5 war point increase for granits? With how easy it is to buy war points, I doubt that'll have much of an effect, would've preferred the conquest system, armour stacking makes fighting cops at range trivial. Was also hoping for the mushroom change, a good 75% of the time when we check mushroom proc there's people there, and it's weird to just show up and then not be able to do anything but "please leave the area sir". Rest of the changes are pretty great. Lol @ trying to remove CMR too, hardly anyone uses it.
  11. What's wrong with that loot? Split between like 10 people that's like 1m each if you sell it all, no? A bunch more if you sell the hawk too.
  12. Congrats on civ council! Hope to see some great changes in the game! 

  13. We've been doing meth runs for 7 years, I think we're pretty much all burnt out on moneymaking, it'd delete the server pop for sure.
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