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Everything posted by Huskers

  1. Tune in boys you don't want to miss this ! https://www.twitch.tv/tomdalegendd

  2. Looking for some top tier old school runescape main pkers to play with the boys hmu if anyone is interested

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ninjaman427


      16 minutes ago, falcoon said:

      Don't get caught, Don't use public bots simple fix.

      Yo HMU with some info. 

    3. Kamikaze


      @falcoon i used osbot and bought a prayer script and still got banned unlucky i think what fucked me was i let the bot run overnight w/o the 20m intervals i only put on 5m 

    4. JaredPK


      Pker here from RuneMate dev.  Not sure which bot you used, but we have fortunately just released our newest and most improved version to date of RuneMate. We tested our bots 14 hours per day for the past 3 weeks straight, ZERO bans!


  3. good fights man You don't want to know whats in the turkey dili
  4. I would just like to give a big shout out to all my fans who doubted me, but a special shout out to @Peter Long for a great gang wars!
  5. Asylum going to rape oh my
  6. holy fuck I hope this isn't really you
  7. I need a good carry what is your league name
  8. Ok I am currently Silver 4 in league and I know this community has to have good league players to carry me to gold please cause solo que is aids so if you would like to play some time put your name under this post thank you very much.
  9. Over 20m what are you guys nuts for a kavala scat house jesus lmao you guys
  10. What did I just read
  11. You know you're boy is on there at number 8 repping steroids are cool
  12. That fucker Mcdilli gave me my deputy test and ride along @McDili
  13. Coming from a senior apd member like everyone said above we have lives too I have been so busy with work lately I barely had the time to get on this week just be patient and quiet down because I can promise you by making that post you just did will only make you waiting for your test even more delayed by pissing off the senior apd.
  14. Huskers

    I'm Out

    What about the auction house man ?! Don't worry I am just kidding but yes a big shout out to helping out with the server and putting it in the right direction and best of luck on your'e journey with whatever you do.
  15. Well boys all I gotta say is if you were in my stream last night it was good times that is all.

    1. TheSkyStarKnight


      That doesn't sound too good

  16. Don't worry baby im right here @McDili
  17. Told you hoot this would be a good idea to put on the forums good job
  18. Happy 21st birthday to me hope everyone is doing well

  19. Normally not the person to type stuff like this but I am going to be away for olympus for some time due to my grandmother being very sick and also having to help my family with on top of me having the biggest test in my life for my nursing program but just wanted you guys to say some prayers for me and my family and I will be back as soon as I can and I will miss the olympus community and I will be back when I can thank you everyone and goodbye for now - Huskers

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. badaim


      I'll miss you buddy and my prayers go out to your family, see you soon you.

    3. Tom


      good luck! how everything goes well !

  20. Best CQC cmon fam
  21. Merry Christmas boys and gals from yours truly, HUSKAHS

    1. babooshka
    2. TheRealKyle


      huck fuskers honestly

    3. Colt


      Did you eat any turkey huskers?

  22. Well you seen Dilli heres the thing with it only making defibs a 5 minute cool down this is where you have executing someone if you kill them when they are dead so they cannot be defib
  23. Ok so the past few weeks I have been realizing more and more how shit some of these medics are lately and when I say this, this doesn't apply for all medics because some medics actually do their job. Recently medics have been taking 10 years to get to you and it is rather frustrating because your body just sinks to the ground. So basically the point of this post and I know it has been brought up before but really think about it because blood bags and defibs would be a really good asset to this community for both cops and civilians. The blood bags would simply just get your health back to 100 because when you soft log now you cannot get 100 health back and the defibs would be simply to revive your gang member or your fellow officer and the way you should make them work is if you die and you have been defib you cannot be revived again for 5 minutes. This just simply would make the fights a lot better and since this is a rebel based server listen to the community and what they actually want because it really is a good idea the only reason people are throwing this idea down the drain is because they say medic cannot do their job but medic will still be able to do their job and lets be honest here more than half of the medics on this server are just a bunch of trolls anyway. Some thoughts on how people feel about this I don't want this to turn into a roast fest just my opinion and how I feel. Thank you
  24. Huskers


    I was just watching this game on twitch it looks ehhh but if enough people get it to make a squad vs squad in match making it could be fun
  25. Would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving eve and early Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, Sincerely Huskers

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