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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Element_

  1. Good job soldier
  2. Charge for being in an illegal area. Entering an illegal area. First Offence $10k, Second Offence $10k, Third Offence Jail. Add if a suspect is found entering, within, or leaving an illegal area without due cause. This charge would not allow you to seize weapons, revoke licences, or lower tiers. L charge, still gonna camp rebels on vigi. I'll prob get my T5 ripped (for going to jail due to this charge) for doing what I normally do, arrest x amount at this rebel, move to next one. Feel like this is chopping off the limbs of an already dying vigi population. Remember there's vigilante in the server title for a reason. APD getting another reason to fuck with progress that took some players hundreds of hours to get T5 is cringe af.
    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      Got to love those messages. Always puts a smile on my face🤣

    2. -dante-


      Could be worse. Could have random weirdos in the community popping in your streams to name members of your family or get unpaid delivery pizza delivered to your house to prove you knew where you lived lmao. People take this shit mad serious 

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Shit man, people making threats are mouth breathers.

      Just hit 'em with the ol' reliable "I hope your wife gives birth to centipedes and you go broke paying for shoes" and call it a day.

  3. His animation saved me from getting blasted ong


    1. -dante-


      If he didn’t die, you should have both just holstered and put your hands up and called a truce. No other resolution would have been appropriate 

  5. Asylum did a mass unban, that's why there is so many on compared to Olympus. Then take into account that their staff is inactive and generally doesn't care.
  6. Happy bday to the MUG BLOODED AMERICAN himself @ Clash

    1. Clashingtin


      thank you sir but sorry to say im canadian

  7. @ The Sovereign We didn't talk at all really but I remember you were trying to convince everyone in gang chat that Wraith had ESP because they killed you in warzone many times that day. Then I show up and vigi them from church cap, they were not cheating I assure you lmao. I'll miss the unhinged gang chat arguments for sure.
  8. https://gyazo.com/cc128ae9c016a4e1a23f3153bf8d10dd

    Rare vehicle yard W, @ Greezy Gabe nuts for bringing a fucking RPG

    1. FaXe


      element you did fuck all mate do one 

    2. Element_


      I have done one, it instantly got third partied by Aegis for an orca smoke and HMG prowler.

    3. FaXe


      have you got a syndrome mate

  9. Other than this its mostly Whitechapel, Lorna Shore, and Invent Animate. Saw Currents live on the 12th, Foreign hands was one of the openers. Waiting for Knocked Loose to come back to FL so I can actually see them live.
  10. https://gyazo.com/e64fe3e07b8f4c9bc41d4da35783ba87 I don't think they want to talk man....
  11. @ WALT Calzones router fell again

  12. https://gyazo.com/c921423a099dae0ab8a976382005fc0e I need help man, APD is consuming me.
    1. Server Lag

      Server Lag

      Have you ever considered Rehab?

    2. Cooper:P


      @ Server Lag we should be asking u the same question 

    3. Tommy12


      overtime go crazy 

  13. We are required to assist APD upon request, and only revive them/repair APD vics when assisting them. Which can include riding in Quilins and reviving any officer that goes down, repairing the escort vic when the engine gets shot out etc. Both handbooks make it pretty clear cut.
  14. Ay yo what the frit doin?

  15. Hbd @ Tyrone

    #1 stealer of tasers and cop gear from me

  16. Looks like your internet shit the bed and Calzones router decided to take a smoke break, either way you prob would've died. Calzone ain't got no lag switch thats fo sho.
  17. I have Covid... again. 

    More time to kidnap medics and rob tasers from TP ig, 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Element_
    3. Skys


      im just worried that you might choke in your sleep

    4. Cooper:P


      i mean he isn't wrong im sure you and ur roommate aren't laughing everytime...

  18. I remember losing 26 mil in one spin, being broke for a week wasn't fun.
  19. Realest post on here, I turn away so many possible arrests each time I'm on because they are not geared (unless helping low tiers in the gang) I almost exclusively sit at rebels, check illegal zones for people doing runs, push BMs, camp air hospital for people getting dope during feds. 8/10 times its either VERY geared player(s) with less than 200k bounties I catch or I get swamped by two zerg gangs that are grouped up for big events (e.g. tonight silla/woo grouped to do a fed, I got swamped ) I can almost guarantee a good chunk of APD, lets say a solid third of them has never played vigi. From my experience they seem to be under the impression that vigis are NOT allowed to be in redzones AT ALL (My first time getting stripped at T4, one of the main reasons I heard them keep throwing around was "vigis aren't supposed to be in redzones anyway" Although I did get ripped for tasing a cop twice from distance at an airdrop.) All I'm after is renown points as a T5, which I am increasingly getting fed up with trying to acquire. But enough of me complaining about dying to zergs, cartel rats, and rookbangers. I might have an idea. Implement a warrant system for T5 that gives guaranteed renown points for the capture of the individual along with points based on their bounty and how geared they are. The player will not be notified if their bounty is less than 1 mil, warrant jammers will remove location tracking for 8 min. Which might warrant a price increase for warrant jammers, the player chosen is at random and soft logging will not get rid of the 2km circle for the assigned T5 vigi. Normal engagment rules will still apply for both parties. TLDR: T5 vigi gameplay is boring and APD stinks Inb4 the "If you want to do warrants just be APD" take
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