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Willski last won the day on June 23 2016

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About Willski

  • Birthday 03/18/1999

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  1. hi

    1. Orgondo


      Don't do it. Go back to the real world.

  2. Finally got removed from cop for inactivity. #feelsbadman :(

  3. Even though I have been super inactive and put in a lot of LOA's, I have been a corporal for a year now. :)

    1. Rappy


      For what it's worth i'm still deputy after 3 months

  4. I never said that if they were OS they got special treatment I was saying that you can play with seniors whenever you want because you can join any channel you want.
  5. That's why I didn't bring up MCPD. Never really thought it was a big thing for that exact reason. And I guess my experience was a little different than yours.
  6. I wasn't pointing my finger at you. And I didn't say that people only get promoted because they are friends with the Sr. APD I just said it does happen.
  7. Yes being OS helps because you can join channels other people cannot and play with Seniors anytime you want?
  8. I'm not saying that having OS in front of your name helps. I'm saying that you have the ability to do things that others cannot. I'm saying that is harder to get recognized if you don't play with Seniors and at one point a lot of Seniors were MC so if you played with them you get recognized easier. The whole MC thing doesn't apply to sgt or really even corporal thats why i didn't mention in it in my post. But it did affect getting P.O. quicker than everyone else.
  9. Which is an advantage
  10. So you are proving my point that being OS helps in getting sgt?
  11. I guess you are entitled to your opinion but OS helps because you can join channels that others can't and play with seniors whenever you want. As other people have to wait.
  12. No but all it takes is one person from MC to get a senior position from grinding and then he plays with all his friends and thinks they are good enough to be promoted so he recommends them. They figured they are good cops from playing with them a lot though and if they play with their friends and their friends are also in the same gang. Im not saying MC got special treatment it's just friends play with other friends therefore friends got promoted more often.
  13. That's why MCPD was a thing. If you were MC you played with other MC members on cop and therefore all of MC got promoted because Sr. APD members that were MC recommend other MC members because they played with them and knew they were good cops.
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