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Mr Kevin

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Everything posted by Mr Kevin

  1. Confirmed @Huskers Max on bench is 105

    1. Moose


      Kg per dumbell?

  2. Are you homosexual and if not are you homophobic?
  3. Performance > Aesthetics By far
  4. Hope you slam your toe into the corner of a wall
  5. Hades with most kills?? How
  6. Daily Mood Booster:


    Everyone here is beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your days :)

    1. Trumper
    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      At what? Lighten up

    3. Fedot


      Don't tell me what to do

  7. Why are you worrying about another person?
  8. I understand that but there's no reason that something so minor should be reported.
  9. k Personally I feel someone should teach the person rather than reporting unless it's something really serious If the player is new and willing to continue playing on the server he will learn from his mistake by being corrected by an experienced player. If he continues then he gets reported and gets what he deserves
  10. All i'm saying is that there's no reason to report every little rulebreaker that you encounter. Deal with it. No need to cry and post a ticket about some guy running you over or rdming you when you're a freshie. But that's your decision. Personally I think you're wasting your time and ruining that person's experience. Tell them and correct them rather than going through and making a video to report it to the moderators.
  11. The 2 comments on your "ReportTage"(Cringe as fuck btw) wasn't unlisted
  12. Clearly wasn't when you can look at the person's channel and find the video.
  13. Selling 1 crater TANOA house 500-600 meters from Southeast rebel. Message me on the forums with an offer and I will review it and message you back if i'm interested in your offer.

  14. Sad to see you go. Was always fun to RP with you in-game (Radio )
  15. Likewise
  16. Welcome!
  17. Stealth was a really cool dude. I miss having a powerful gang around because today I would be able to have some great fights with them. It's honestly a shame that we're (Mayhem) are so limited to fighting just 1 or 2 gangs that are even remotely to our level. Would be truly amazing to see them come back full force but they seem to be tied to a different server.
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