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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by brodyunderwood1

  1. You tell me. Of course I won't listen
  2. You can't tell me what not to do
  4. @JackL Good fight to you too bud.

    1. Ham


      y u no say gud nite 2 me?

       just realized how autistic I am


      it says fucking fight.... GG Ham

    2. Brennan


      Good night to you ham <3

    3. Ham


      Thanks Brennan <3

  5. I was enjoying this
  6. Finally! SOMEBODY UNDERSTANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. That was a MAJOR MAJOR issue with it, BUT that was not the only reason the tilde guideline did not work. As I said above, it drew the focus of RP between cop and civ away from the situation and into identification. Situational RP produces a lot more original and dynamic RP than what we saw with the tilde guideline in place. With the focus on indentification (and in most cases ONLY identification), there are only so many ways for the RP to go, and unless the civ was producing RP that was worthy of an Oscar the cop would always come out on top. This lead to most civs (who are by no means worthy of an Oscar nomination for the RP they produce) going down 1 of 2 paths. 1. Eventually realizing they didn't have much of a chance of getting out of being identified (probably only after being caught a few times), they would just give in and there would be a short processing session with nothing original from either side. or 2. As you brought up, the civs would try some bullshit excuse each time and get pissed at the cops for not letting them go for their bullshit excuse. Some people don't seem to understand that good RP isn't measured by how much you are willing to let someone get away with, but that's a tangent for another time. The civ bullshit wasn't the problem with the tilde guideline, it was only an effect that stemmed from the REAL problems with the tilde guideline. Few side notes: 1. Not all RP is about getting out of charges on your ticket. From the moment someone logs in as a cop they are RPing as a cop and the RP that takes place during processing doesn't have to be about how to get out of your charges either. Make it situational, make it original, and you WILL have more fun of a time than if your motivation is purely to get out of charges. 2. The SAPD renouncing the tilde guideline did NOT change any rules the APD had to follow. While the tilde guideline was still in place people did NOT have to RP as if they didn't know your name. With the current SAPD they were NOT punished for RPing as if they already knew who you were. With the current SAPD they were NOT held back from promotions if they chose to not follow the tilde guideline as long as they still produced good RP. With the tilde guideline gone, cops can STILL RP as if they do not know your name. They are NOT valued more highly for doing so than someone who puts just as much effort/quality into their RP without following the old methods from the tilde guideline. Literally NOTHING has changed except the number of people who believe that it is okay to RP as if you know someone's name already when you start processing. Yes, in the past, when there were different standards and seniors for the APD, some people were denied promotions for not following the tilde guideline, however this has NOT been the way things were handled for quite a while. 3. Before the tilde guideline was put into effect, I never had a problem as an officer that stemmed from the quality of RP. Problems back then pretty much occured because someone was salty they got caught, or a REAL rule was broken. Only once the tilde guideline was put into effect did a good percentage of the people on the server get bitter about the way they were processed. There were relatively few problems before, there should be relatively few problems now, however people need to accept the change again before that can happen.
  8. I'm gonna reply to this the same way I reply to everyone who brings this up. Before the tilde guideline, RP was situational. People RP'd about their charges and what they had done and came up with some GREAT stories and RP really took you places. After the tilde guideline was put in place, RP became all about one thing, how to identify people. It was people trying to come up with the most unrealistic bullshit about how cops couldn't possibly know who they are, then the cops would find a way around it, and the people would get pissed about being "robo-copped." It grew stale fast, people began to NEVER RP their charges and only their names and the lack of ways to do that lead to a VERY repetitive process of the cops figuring out who they were and then both parties going through the most basic motions of processing after that. So we got rid of the tilde guideline (which was never mandatory in the first place) and suddenly the people who accepted that started giving good situational, original RP again instead of the same old stale bullshit we got while the guideline was in place. It won't change back. The sooner everyone accepts that and goes with it, the sooner everything will start to get more fun and you'll see original RP again. Obviously some people (cops included) just are NOT good at RP, so there will still be bullshit from both sides. Whether you guys realize it or not though, there is a lot less of this than before, people just see it easier so they complain about it more. The tilde guideline was a decent idea in theory, but it didn't work out. Focus on the situation and things become a lot more fun.
  9. EVERYONE COULD ALREADY TILDE.  It isn't a big change.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brennan


      I will never forget the amount of salt when McDili walked up to Mory with a 100k or something bounty and said "Hey Mory you are wanted for 100k I am arresting you" when asked how he knew he responded "It's right there above your head" , and then proceeded to explain it was just a guide line.


    3. Winters


      Tman, "Nowhere in the handbook does it say you have to listens to someones story". Is listening to someones story not part of the RP? If not then wouldn't you just be walking up to people reading their charges and issuing them a ticket not discussing any of the charges with them?

    4. brodyunderwood1


      The second you spawn in on cop you are RPing as a cop.  RP does NOT only refer to talking to people while you're processing them.  You are RPing as a cop whether you listen to their story or not.  As long as people RP well they'll be fine.  The problem is that the vast majority of people who don't listen to the stories don't do any of the other RP well either.  Those are the ones that get removed.

  10. it took you a year and 3 months to come up with that one? good job bud
  11. Personally I love the new revive system and I believe I'm part of the silent majority, but I could be wrong.
  12. Goonie I lose brain cells around half the time when reading your posts....
  13. I haven't been on another altis life server besides olympus since the update but I have heard the damage is still outrageous on some of the ones with seatbelt options
  14. The stamina itself is actually better on its own, while you don't have enough time in full sprint, you can now run FOREVER at that slower jogging speed, making long flanks actually easier with this one. The real problem comes with the additional weapon sway when you come out of running, which gets worse as your stamina gets lower. The problem is the sway mechanic, not the stamina.
  15. thus comes the risk
  16. You have a point, however your statement doesn't make sense. There are legal ways of making money that cops don't bother you with, and most civs won't either. There are plenty of ways to make money if you really want to.
  17. also, all ranks can buy zamaks. not just corp and up
  18. Cop and Medic are both roles in which you are expected to abide by the rules. It shouldn't matter if you're doing a drug run or arresting a civilian. People are whitelisted for their ability to better the server and if they break any rule on the server it is expected that all aspects of their play will be affected. Now that I'm done with my response to benji I will say this, Ghostface I still have nothing but the utmost respect for you and what you've done for the APD. I know you had my back and were pushing for me to get Sgt at a time when at least a few others weren't quite so sure of where I should be in the APD. Thank you for that. I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors, whether that be here on olympus, or anywhere else you choose to apply yourself.
  19. On top of that there seems to be some issues with the new uniform loading in, this may only be a server one issue, or it may be something else. However I logged onto server two and everyone was in a blue uniform, on server one I logged on and the other Sgts were talking about how everyone was in white uniforms, even though the PO's saw themselves and other officers in blue.
  20. You aren't shedding light on anything. You are pouring gas on what was essentially already a forrest fire bright enough to be seen from hundreds of miles away. All in the name of reducing "hate." You have blatantly misconstrued the entire situation we go through on the forums, questioning how our higher ups decide to handle a situation and therefore attempting to undermine their choices. The situation on the forums isn't one of "hate" it is one of people bluntly and directly handling things. If you don't like the way we choose to do it then I politely invite you to click on the fucking red X in the upper right corner and not read what we have to see here.
  21. Fluffy you act like as seniors it is our job to sugar coat the shit we present to everybody so that it seems "respectful." You don't seem to understand that the "respectful" way isn't always the best way of handling some issues. The people in their senior ranks are there for a reason and a lot of thought goes into everything we do and say before making it open to the general community to see. Before you question the way things are done again I highly suggest you consider that fact. It isn't the job of the Seniors in the community to be nice about how they get things done, only to get them done in the best way possible. ^something I quickly learned from Muth and Odin.
  22. Or, instead of being a smart ass about it, you could throw out a legitimate idea. I'm not saying that the APD shouldn't go out and patrol and make good RP situations out of it, but your post implies that it doesn't happen. 1. It already does, some people just don't notice because they never leave the damn warzone or drug fields. 2. The reason redzones are so heavily patrolled is because the vast majority of the player base that really would have much interaction at all with the police force is in those zones more often than anywhere else on the map besides spawn cities. (where again, there are already cops a good portion of the time).
  23. What's more dumb is having a Law Enforcement force purposely avoid high crime areas because a Rebel Faction who openly breaks the law is inside and the rebels want to be able to say "Noooo you can't come in here, thats against the rules, get banned shitter." Literally makes no sense at all from a logical standpoint.
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