That was a MAJOR MAJOR issue with it, BUT that was not the only reason the tilde guideline did not work. As I said above, it drew the focus of RP between cop and civ away from the situation and into identification. Situational RP produces a lot more original and dynamic RP than what we saw with the tilde guideline in place. With the focus on indentification (and in most cases ONLY identification), there are only so many ways for the RP to go, and unless the civ was producing RP that was worthy of an Oscar the cop would always come out on top. This lead to most civs (who are by no means worthy of an Oscar nomination for the RP they produce) going down 1 of 2 paths.
1. Eventually realizing they didn't have much of a chance of getting out of being identified (probably only after being caught a few times), they would just give in and there would be a short processing session with nothing original from either side.
or 2. As you brought up, the civs would try some bullshit excuse each time and get pissed at the cops for not letting them go for their bullshit excuse. Some people don't seem to understand that good RP isn't measured by how much you are willing to let someone get away with, but that's a tangent for another time.
The civ bullshit wasn't the problem with the tilde guideline, it was only an effect that stemmed from the REAL problems with the tilde guideline.
Few side notes:
1. Not all RP is about getting out of charges on your ticket. From the moment someone logs in as a cop they are RPing as a cop and the RP that takes place during processing doesn't have to be about how to get out of your charges either. Make it situational, make it original, and you WILL have more fun of a time than if your motivation is purely to get out of charges.
2. The SAPD renouncing the tilde guideline did NOT change any rules the APD had to follow. While the tilde guideline was still in place people did NOT have to RP as if they didn't know your name. With the current SAPD they were NOT punished for RPing as if they already knew who you were. With the current SAPD they were NOT held back from promotions if they chose to not follow the tilde guideline as long as they still produced good RP. With the tilde guideline gone, cops can STILL RP as if they do not know your name. They are NOT valued more highly for doing so than someone who puts just as much effort/quality into their RP without following the old methods from the tilde guideline. Literally NOTHING has changed except the number of people who believe that it is okay to RP as if you know someone's name already when you start processing. Yes, in the past, when there were different standards and seniors for the APD, some people were denied promotions for not following the tilde guideline, however this has NOT been the way things were handled for quite a while.
3. Before the tilde guideline was put into effect, I never had a problem as an officer that stemmed from the quality of RP. Problems back then pretty much occured because someone was salty they got caught, or a REAL rule was broken. Only once the tilde guideline was put into effect did a good percentage of the people on the server get bitter about the way they were processed. There were relatively few problems before, there should be relatively few problems now, however people need to accept the change again before that can happen.