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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Anyone know of good games that are being released soon? Need a backup for when Arma triggers me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy
    3. iPopsicle


      41 minutes ago, I Am Fuzzy said:


      I am terrible I am seriously trying in these solos and I am horrid

    4. Strugglebus


      Player Unknown Battlegrounds looks fucking awesome. It's like a perfect mix between DayZ and H1Z1. It's closed beta right now and it already has less bugs than Hizzy.

  2. Plat hook me up with a sig
  3. Well I was just asking the range of what you have done in the past lol just curious
  4. How much do you typically charge?
  5. I will try the sammich Thursday, but the chicken nuggets and frosty sounds good for my drive home.
  6. I tried their fries because my friend got wendy's once and I wasn't too fond of them maybe it was a bad batch but they were nasty
  7. If it was your first time at Wendy's what would you order? (asking for a friend)
  8. This kind of makes me want to try Wendy's chicken nuggets after class
  9. I'd say that this post should be nominated
  10. When you figure out there is a REALLY good chance you have met @Fedot in real life...



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You'll get your own Ghost Hawk if you find him and give him an atomic wedgie. 

    3. iPopsicle


      I would pay him for that

    4. Fedot


      22 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Trust me if you'e met Fedot you'd know.

      Im semi normal in public

  11. Doesn't that many ranks make things confusing? I'm not being sarcastic I'm honestly asking and wanting to know that with not so high numbers do you still find use with that many ranks?
  12. Rip @Vacant :( You will forever be my favorite LT

  13. So are you saying treat it as when someone lockpicks/goes into your car?
  14. @DashTonic
  15. @Kanger was the forefront of KYS
  16. Was that when KYS was bannable?
  17. It's supposed to be random, and future questions will involve Olympus history, in-game mechanics, more random bs, and etc.
  18. Happy Birthday @Garrett!

    1. Ramennoodles


      @Garrett0 years old!!! Seems old enough to get at it on the forums;) Happy birthday tho!

  19. This of the beginning of a series of trivia questions that will be posted periodically, each question holds a in-game cash prize depending on its difficulty. The game is simple, first one to answer the question will win. Now for the question; "How many meters is between Kavala church's parking sign and the Athira DMV's water fountain machine?" I will make a comment quoting the winner, and the winner will have to make an arrangement so I they can receive their prize. Good luck!
  20. Support team is here to help. I suggest purchasing this so next time you won't have the aftermath of a great shit. https://www.squattypotty.com/ Also, another shit post
  21. My Cmr is definitely not worth 1.5 million lmao
  22. You old man @The Mad Russian, sorry for stealing your sergeant gear ;) Have a good birthday man!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @heyday He may or may not have been the first sergeant to go down...

    3. fugi


      but i look dam good in his uniform :D @Ignis @heyday and happy birthday @The Mad Russian6ae9d084de9a07dd02558bb8321ada36.jpg

    4. The Mad Russian

      The Mad Russian

      lol looks good on you...

  23. Just because my ocd kicks in because you didn't include a tenth I will add this small one, 10. After a Corporal or higher dies in two waves, ALL Corporals and up will be loading lethal rounds, and that could drop your numbers allowing them to defuse the bomb successfully.
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