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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. https://www.strawpoll.me/19543617
  2. https://www.strawpoll.me/19543616
  3. https://www.strawpoll.me/19543615
  4. https://www.strawpoll.me/19543613
  5. Conquest is live on server 2.

  6. https://www.strawpoll.me/19535300/r
  7. Sandman's Chief Coup Protection Ends
  8. Does this mean I'm allowed to join support rooms again?


    1. zoomzooooooom


      no ur not support team, your only the lead developer and make the server work

  9. Vote for maps here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19510889
  10. Vote for maps here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19510879
  11. Vote for zones here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19510878
  12. I think @Montez is right TBH

  13. Conquest starting in ~20m. 

    Pick maps here https://www.strawpoll.me/19481867/

  14. Conquest will start on server 1 @ 6PM EST - (2330 UTC) Vote for zones here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19491879 Top two zones will be chosen.
  15. Zahzi

    All Skins

    Nope. It's just a solid color with a black ass. @Designer @Senior Designer
  16. Vote for conquest caps for tomorrow's conquest


    1. JuanDeaged


      should reschedule it for friday night instead of a thursday night tbh

    2. N7Zero


      i voted for all 24bbc219f2bf85986060041cd5a75c16.png



  17. Conquest will start on server 1 @ 8:30 PM EST. Vote for maps here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19481839 Top two will be chosen.
  18. Conquest on server 2 in 20 minutes

  19. If your stats page just says "no data found", send me a PM with your player id.

  20. Conquest will start on server 2 @ 5PM EST - (2200 UTC) Vote for zones here: https://www.strawpoll.me/19481867 Top two zones will be chosen.
  21. Conquest will start on server 2 @ 8PM EST - (2020-03-04 0100 UTC)
  22. Conquest will start on server 1 @ 3PM EST - (1800 UTC)
  23. Conquest starting in 15m on s2.

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