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Everything posted by Winters

  1. You were a great Dep Chief and I thank you for your dedication to the APD. It's sad to see you leave, but I understand. I wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavours.
  2. I honestly did not expect you to step down. We've got some good memories and I look forward to seeing you around still. I wish you the best of luck in life with all of your future endeavors. o7
  3. I never planned on making a post as there is a myriad of things that could be said. I’ll keep it short though. As most of you will now know I have retired as the APD Chief of Police. It has certainly been an enjoyable and interesting journey in which I have experienced and learned a lot about the APD. I’d like to thank the APD for their dedication and support to the faction over the years enabling us to strive in taking the APD in the right direction. I feel the APD is in an excellent position currently and I have the full confidence in the new APD Chief of Police Rexo further strengthening that position with the support of the APD. Thank you all for the memories.
  4. "Chapter XIX - APD Aircraft The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD/R&R Hunters and Striders). Exception: The Pharmaceutical, APD Escort, Vehicle Yard, and Evidence Locker Trucks." https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XIX_-_APD_Aircraft @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
  5. There is a myriad of positive things I could say about you, but I will keep it short and sweet. It was a pleasure working with you as you were a great member of SAPD, a great staff member, and a great member of the community who dedicated himself for the right reasons across the board. I thank you for your dedication. It is sad to see you officially leave now with a post, albeit one of the most truthful I've seen in some time. I wish you the best of luck in life with all of your future endeavors. As always Olympus will always be here so don't be a stranger. o7
  6. PSA: Splitting Channels 
    This is just a reminder that APD Officers should be ensuring that APD channels are proportionately distributed. If you are not resolving a situation that requires additional APD Officers please ensure that you split the channels proportionately. Preferably aim to have no more than 5 APD Officers per a channel. A decent portion of situations can be resolved with that many APD Officers. 

    I understand that at times there are additional APD Officers in a channel but they are patrolling separately. Unfortunately, this results in the issue of APD Officers calling out a situation and everyone flocking over despite that many APD Officers not being necessary. So, please ensure that if you are not patrolling together be in separate channels. If you need additional APD Officers to resolve a situation request them when necessary. 

    @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer

    Will be viewable on Wiki later this evening: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_PSA

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    2. Mighty


      I thought we all agreed that PSAs don't belong in status updates...

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      It’s like you could link this to a wiki where it will be forever and someone doesn’t need to look through a copious amount of status updates for. 

    4. Winters


      Please read what is written before commenting... 🤣

  7. "Chapter I - Professional Standards Officers may respawn/redeploy to other HQs if there (5) five or less officers online, if a deputy is traveling to accompany a PO+, or if they spawn in the wrong place." https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_I_-_Professional_Standards How it works: Scroll wheel the market NPC in an APD HQ. Select Redeploy. There will then be a 40-second progress bar prior to the spawn menu being created. Restricted from use if: Active combat. More than 5 cops online. A civilian within 175m. Obviously, respawning/redeploying whilst engaged with another player or to avoid an engagement/obvious encounter with a player is considered combat logging. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
  8. "Chapter XVII - Fines and Penalties If a player is on parole and is apprehended after committing a crime whilst on parole they MUST be sent straight to jail." "Chapter XIV - Server Events Gang Turfs No Active Skirmish Gang Turfs are considered legal areas during non-active gang skirmishes. Active Skirmish APD cannot raid the Gang Turf Exception: If the APD is actively pursuing a suspect they may enter the active skirmish for 1 wave but may only attempt to apprehend/neutralize the pursued suspect. If fired upon by another group of civilians the APD may return fire. APD cannot request first wave backup. APD cannot utilize armed aerial vehicles. Exception: If the APD has actively pursued a suspect they may utilize the guns in an attempt to neutralize the suspect following standard armed aerial vehicle engagement rules however cannot return fire on any other civilian(s) that may fire upon the armed aerial vehicle. APD Officers may not camp areas solely to stop or arrest Gang Turf participants (including, but not limited to, the nearest city/rebel/sheds). Radioactive Space Capsule Must follow standard redzone rules. Exception: No RP is required to engage civs that are participating in the Airdrop Event. The Radioactive Space Capsule can be called clear after a minimum of 2 minutes and be seized by the APD. Once the Radioactive Space Capsule has started to be seized APD does not have to stop seizing if the area is no longer clear." https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook Ticket Guide "Entering an illegal area $10,000 $10,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is found entering, within, or leaving an illegal area and loitering without due cause." https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Ticket_Guide PSA APD Legal Processor Rewards APD Officers can interact with legal processor NPCs if a civilian/vehicle is within 25 meters. Starts a 5-minute timer and the APD Officers defend the area. If there are multiple vehicles the timer will increase to a maximum of 15 minutes. Eg. 2 Tempest Devices at Salt Processor would start a 10-minute timer. If the APD Officer that initiated the NPC interaction remains alive when the timer ends the APD Officers in the area receive a payout split between them. SUV - $35k split Van - $50k split Truck Boxer - $62.5k split Zamak - $75k split Tempest Device+ - $100k split If the APD receives the payout there is a 30 minute cooldown at that legal processor NPC that the NPC interaction cannot be initiated again by an APD Officer APD Officers are encouraged to escort the civilians throughout their legal run to prevent them from being robbed. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
  9. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Warzone raids: Officers may only enter Cartel/Warzone when they have probable cause to raid unless APD has reasonable suspicion of a suspect fleeing there. Additionally: Must follow Rebel raid rules. Exception: Corporal+ may raid WarZone with at least 2 other APD Officers. Exception: Cartels outside of Warzone may be searched every 30 minutes. Seven waves maximum per warzone raid. Exception: If civilians flee to WarZone from a Federal Event or a Vehicle Airdrop waves may continue until the situation is resolved. Patrol Officers+ are required to use lethals during warzone raids. Exception: Officers may choose to utilize tasers if they've pursued someone in the first wave. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_X_-_Illegal_Areas Below is from the Handbook Update 07/16/23, apparently some individuals didn't see it. Chapter XII - Federal Events Staff Sergeant (FTO) may utilize Staff Sergeant gear/vehicles during Federal Events. APD Officer(s) can be instructed by an active Staff Sergeant (FTO)/SAPD/Retired Chief not to respond to an active Federal Event and may instead conduct other APD duties. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XII_-_Federal_Events In case any Corporals have not noticed, FTO Apps are currently open so if you meet the criteria and aspire to be an FTO on the APD now would be the time to apply. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer & @Support Team
  10. Chapter XII - Federal Events Staff Sergeant (FTO) may utilize Staff Sergeant gear/vehicles during Federal Events. APD Officer(s) can be instructed by an active Staff Sergeant (FTO)/SAPD/Retired Chief not to respond to an active Federal Event and may instead conduct other APD duties. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XII_-_Federal_Events @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer & @Support Team
  11. Chapter XI - Blue Zones The APD Escort Event, Art Gallery, Pharmaceutical Robbery, and Vehicle Yard are Blue Zones APD Officers do not have to respond in waves to an active situation in a Blue Zone. Exception: If there are 6 or more APD Officers responding to the initial Pharmaceutical Robbery or Vehicle Yard Blue Zone they must respond in waves until the Pharmaceutical/Vehicle Yard vehicle leaves the initial Blue Zone. Chapter XIV - Server Events Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Exception: APD Officers may enter for 2 waves at the Weekend Airdrop. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers. Exception: Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 8 Officers at the Weekend Airdrop. APD Officers may utilize 1 armoured vehicle for the raid. Exception: APD Officers may utilize 3 armoured vehicles for the Vehicle/Weekend Airdrop raid. Chapter XVIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles The SDAR may be used without SGT approval if a suspect is in the water, or they are in an inaccessible area (unreachable roofs). Suspect must be notified prior to firing upon. Otherwise, Sergeants must approve. Do not carry one in a backpack unless conducting a boat patrol. Exception: Sergeant Corporal+ may carry an SDAR in their backpack. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=APD_Handbook @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team
  12. Congratulations @ Clash  & @ Headtaps

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    2. Moonini


      step down 

    3. PUG


      ETA on stepdown

      Cinco De Mayo Dog GIF

    4. PMichael


      Step down from admin my guy you deny my player report for what reason because your lazy and do not want to watch the full 5:12 clip there is clearly you have not to sense what your doing i am sorry to say this but you are the worst admin i have ever seen on this server

  13. PSA: Hunter/Strider/Ifrit

    Corporals currently have access to the Hunter in their shop. Do not purchase the vehicle or utilize the vehicle.

    SGTs currently have access to the Strider in their shop. Do not purchase the vehicle or utilize the vehicle.

    LTs currently have access to the Ifrit in their shop. Do not purchase the vehicle or utilize the vehicle.

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Officer

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    2. SPBojo


      @ Mighty wdym? winters is clearly still inactive.

    3. nicole


      @ Revise Probably because this issue will be resolved fairly soon, he mentioned the APD Officers tag which serves the same purpose. No point to make an entire post for an issue like this.

    4. stayclaxxy


      I will be filling my garage with these vehicles, thank you for the heads up Winters! (I’m 6’1)

  14. Urination must take place within private residence or the appropriate facilities eg. the toilet buildings.
  15. Chapter III - Civilian Interaction Dealing with Vigilantes Civilians with Vigilante License must provide ID upon request. May carry a P07, Sting, .45 ACP, Spar-16 (Sand), Spar-16GL (Sand), Spar-16S (Sand), Bolt Cutter. Tier 4 Vigilantes may carry anything a lower tier Vigilante has access to and a Vermin, 9mm Suppressor. Tier 5 Vigilantes may carry anything a lower tier Vigilante has access to and a Promet (Green), CAR-95 (Black), Promet MR (Sand). APD Ticket Guide Criminal Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples Public Urination Verbal Warning $2,500 $2,500 Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a civilian is found to be urinating in public. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer & @Support Team
  16. Chapter XVI - APD Undercover APD undercover officers that do not have their identity revealed do not contribute as an APD officer if another APD officer is being 3:1’d. Example: An Undercover APD Officer without their identity revealed is standing next to a uniformed APD Officer that 3 civilians attempt to 3:1, the uniformed APD Officer would have to comply with the 3:1 as they are still considered outnumbered by a ratio of 3:1. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer & @Support Team
  17. This is a new department in the "Support" (Link) section. Please use this section to report ALL issues against APD members. It does not matter if it is a server rule or APD handbook violation, each report will be dealt with accordingly by SAPD and Staff. APD Internal Affairs reports must be submitted within 7 days of the alleged violation occuring. APD Internal Affairs reports that are submitted in excess of 7 days of the alleged violation occuring may be handled on a case by case basis dependent upon the severity of the rule break (eg. corruption, meta-game, etc.), or if an APD Officer has a history of blatantly breaking rules. Disputes are required for APD Internal Affairs Reports. Please read the following post: APD Internal Affairs reports that are submitted without a dispute may be handled on a case by case basis dependent upon the severity of the rule break (eg. corruption, meta-game, etc.), or if an APD Officer has a history of blatantly breaking rules. If you must fill out a report regarding a matter then use the following information to do so. APD Internal Affairs To correctly place an APD Internal Affair follow the below. Click "Support" in the bar at the top Click on "New Request" on the right hand side then choose "APD Internal Affairs" in the department. Fill in all info regarding the incident. Be sure to include any proof such as links to screenshots or videos regarding the situation. Keep in mind that almost all videos require at least 5 minutes showing the whole situation Senior APD Reports If you feel a Senior APD member is overstepping their bounds regarding rules or breaking rules then you may send the Chief of Police or the Owner a PM here on the website. Be sure to include all information such as Server, Date, Time, Videos, ect Bear in mind they will review the situation and talk to the senior after-hand if it warrants doing so. APD Disciplinary Appeals An appeal should be made within a week of the disciplinary action being issued. (Excludes blacklist appeal) An appeal must be made after talking with the Senior APD member that dealt with your case Submit an appeal as you would with an APD Application Next click on "New Request" on the right side then choose "APD Application" in the department. Fill in all the proper info and then click submit. A Senior APD officer of higher rank than the senior who dealt with your case will respond to the ticket.
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  18. Chapter XII - Federal Events If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize lethals when there is 10 or less minutes left on the bomb. Chapter XIX - APD Aircraft Armed Plane Patrol - The Armed Plane patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols can be used for both recon and rapid response. Armed planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules. Exception: An armed plane that leaves HQ with the intent of being a recon can contribute towards guns-hot status, and utilize it’s guns without returning to an HQ The Ghosthawk If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved. Exception: A Ghosthawk that leaves HQ with the intent of being a recon cannot contribute towards guns-hot status, nor utilize it’s guns without returning to an HQ, and meeting another guns hot prerequisite. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer & @Support Team
  19. Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles APD Officers may commandeer civilian vehicles (if the vehicle is non-illegal) to transport a suspect straight back to an APD HQ, if the owner of the vehicle is in APD custody, and there are no APD vehicles available to utilize as transport. APD Officers cannot search/seize commandeered civilian vehicles after utilizing the vehicle for transport. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  20. PSA: Federal Event Dome Doors

    APD Officers that are repairing/sealing the dome doors after a Federal Event must repair/reseal then reopen the dome door that the civilians had bolt cut open if there are still civilian vehicles inside.  Reopening the repaired door does not effect calling the situation clear, as long as the door is repaired.

    Once the situation has been called clear and the vehicles are seized/impounded the dome door must be closed again.  

    Reopening the dome door allows civilians the opportunity to attempt to regain possession of the vehicles inside of the dome if they so wish. Otherwise civilians cannot rebolt cut the doors for 30 minutes.

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member




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  21. Chapter V - Processing Suspects If the Jail doors are broken and a suspect is being processed, then an APD Officer must go to the Jail to make the proper repairs so they can send the suspect to Jail. The APD Officer must go directly to the Jail to make the repairs, and may not stray off to do other things. The 15-minute APD Processing rule does not start until the repair is done. Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles Officers may only enter/unlock a civilian vehicle when: Turning off the engine. Removing a dead body Unblocking a road, pathway or an area officers are attempting to access. The owner gives consent (and the vehicle is non-illegal) APD Officers may commandeer civilian vehicles (if the vehicle is non-illegal) to transport a suspect straight back to an APD HQ, if the owner of the vehicle is in APD custody, and there are no APD vehicles available to utilize as transport. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Illegal Areas may be patrolled every 20 15 minutes. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves. Exception: An active Bank if 5 or less APD Officers are responding to the Bank. Chapter XI - Blue Zones Blue Zones APD Officers may freely patrol Blue Zones. The APD Escort Event, Art Gallery & Pharmaceutical Robbery are Blue Zones. APD Officers responding to an active Art Gallery Robbery or a Pharmaceutical Robbery must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage. APD Officers do not have to respond in waves to an active situation in a Blue Zone. Exception: If there are 6 or more APD Officers responding to the initial Pharmaceutical Robbery Blue Zone they must respond in waves until the Pharmaceutical vehicle leaves the initial Pharmaceutical Robbery Blue Zone. Chapter XIX - APD Aircraft Fixed Wing Patrol Armed Plane Patrol - The Armed Plane patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols can be used for both recon and rapid response. Armed planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules. Exception: Armed Planes can also engage ground vehicles if the vehicle is illegal, is a HVT, or contains a HVT. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team
  22. Chapter XV - SWAT Only SWAT has the ability to conduct Conquest Raids. A maximum amount of 10 SWAT can conduct Conquest Raids. SWAT must respond in waves. Exception: If 4 or less SWAT Officers are online during Conquest, wave rule is not required. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member, @SWAT Commander , @Senior SWAT , @SWAT Member & @Support Team
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