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Senior SWAT
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Everything posted by HyperGoat

    1. bastro


      man hes just a trap matty b listen to smooky instead

  1. Fuck you Moob for all of the time you said "Fuck you HyperGoat"
  2. count me in then papa
  3. bruh the shipping is gonna be more than the headset for me
  4. i just busted a nut reading this.
  5. No. DO NOT wipe warpoints, people like Prime - TI - Trident - and other people who fight cartels have earned "most of theses points". They knew war market was gonna come out eventually, so they wanted to grind for the points for the release of the war points market. If I had high points, and it would be wiped, I would be pissed cause I played with people who were on the grind, who put so much time into them, they would fight gangs everyday. Like I remember the day it came out, everyone was hyped so the're were actually some fights and people kept on going for the war points for the arrival of the market. Also the people who said no, are probably cops/people who don't fight on a daily basis (when fights were around that is) or who just don't play the game at all @MC-. I don't know id kinda find it unfair for the people who been out there on the grind since it came out. I can @ a few names and I know they would all tell you, they would be pissed.
  6. Rip PC, CPU broke, ill be back soon hopefully 

    1. RubberDuck


      I feel ya, see you soon man.

  7. well add me or any prime member if you have any and tell them to log on then well get some fights going
  8. clearly not. What the point of capping a cartel just to cap, ask people to come fight you, like are you even looking cause I guarantee you if 1 prime is on they will log people on to fight ANY fight So stop ur still capping cartels just to cap em.
  9. Olympus current gangs status: MC has 5 active players, Prime is always on with at leasst 5 to 10 a day, Trident died, Tree is dead, Imp/-TI- is bored of the game and the rest - BW, -T-, NSM any gang who claims they fight cartels/do feds,bw etc don't really do it. Defibs is not gonna revive gang life, most of these gangs have wealthy players with at least 10M in their bank accounts, which to my eyes is well enough to do shit. I think if the war shop would be back would bring more gangs to come fight but still all the gangs are dead/pussies
  10. cool pls tell me more of what you think
  11. What i made but its fucking capping at 1440 by 1080 help !!!
  12. feelsbad no one took this post seriously :/
  13. Pm me on olympus/steam, looking for someone to make me a decent intro and not some basic shit.
  14. dp 22 bro
  15. Casually buying shit at the store


    1. Marty


      There's something comedic about the way he appeared from behind those buildings

    2. QKSILVR73


      27 minutes ago, Marty said:

      There's something comedic about the way he appeared from behind those buildings

      Definitely.  I started laughing even before the Titan was fired

    3. -dante-
  16. ice cream
  17. its going to be like the League tourney, just not twitch chat people @Egnazio
  18. Luke Duke would've camped it probably x10 times more than you thing the sr. APD did.
  19. Im sorry for your loss.. Pce man, will always remember when you helped me out for with my Pc questions. Hope to see you around some day on here or even twitch just to know you are doing good!
  20. Yes what im thinking, is submit a roster of at least 6-7, depending on the number of teams, I might I have to do an off-stream qualifier round. But that's only if we have too many teams signed up. And in terms of the actual server, I might host it myself and set it up or use face it or CEVO because of the anti-cheat. rewards will be discussed.
  21. Might open a CSGO tourny somewhere between mid-august to end of august, if people are interested. So How many people will actually sign up for this? Btw got permission from @Peter Long so this could actually be a thing... Im also open to suggestions.
  22. I cant log on till tommorow but if I can describe its the closest garage to the main road, and the 4 crater is close to the bell tower I cant log on till tommorow but if I can describe its the closest garage to the main road, and the 4 crater is close to the bell tower
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