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Senior SWAT
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Status Replies posted by HyperGoat


    Game Pass?

    1. HyperGoat




  2. Whatever happened to the ATU? @ xsmitherz  it’s like every gang @ Rexo  has created it disbands in 1 week 

  3. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

  4. congrats @ KermitZooicide  best SR Swat

    1. HyperGoat


      nah thats crazy

  5. SWAT applications are now open

  6. Remove ASP's

    1. HyperGoat


      @ syndrome  It's no skill, no counterplay. Just push through canisters and 1 shot people. So yes I'd rather fight with Mk1 for 10 years please and thank you

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why can't Sr. APD be Sr. Swat?

    Sr. APD can be Sr. Support team, Wiki curators, and staff members...

    Swat is a s3 "faction" that has no relation to s1 at all. It is a part of the server, but has no confliction with the APD.

  8. Grats @ HyperGoat , always thought you’d be a senior in apd years ago. Swat works though 🙏🏼

  9. @ HyperGoat  Congrats Bro Order that stake dinner on me

  10. hi buddy! 

    1. HyperGoat


      is he alive


  11. Staff covering up pedo behaviour once again.

    You make me sick @ Grandma Gary

    1. HyperGoat


      @ Metal

      Dont need proof when you admitted to it :))))


      Damn, I was down bad back then. Ah well, shit happens - Metal


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

  13. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

    1. HyperGoat


      Bro is gonna be inactive in less than a week

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. HyperGoat


      My thought process is vans were removed for this and jumpspots (At fed and BW). If you want to land on top of the dome the only vehicle that should take you up there would be a heli IMO. 


      @ Linka  If you have 5-6 people fed, you can't always play the normal strat around the dome. You have to play dome strat. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Who understands the gang levels pretty well? 

    - What's the best way to Lvl them?


  16. Who understands the gang levels pretty well? 

    - What's the best way to Lvl them?


  17. Who understands the gang levels pretty well? 

    - What's the best way to Lvl them?


    1. HyperGoat


      Gangs can earn experience points by completing actions throughout their time on Olympus. 

      This is too vast. Like does doing a fed +50 etc


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. You’ve been reported mate enjoy the forums account while it lasts @ Focuss

  19. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. HyperGoat



      Make a petition - Milo

      @ Milo  run it up - I'm not saying remove bans for dpi/back-packing, that shit is aids. 

      But maybe review the basis of banning people DPI/Backpacking to be less severe. Find a common ground. If APD members can get out with a warning, Civs/Rebels should have the same treatment.

      @ xsmitherz  shaking right now💀

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  20. Lea

    Lea    ares

    Thank you for your in conquest tips yesterday! Please know that I am not really trying to improve, @ Lucien  just wanted to torture me for an hour. Every month.. Besides if I kill more than three people suicide rates go up. 🤷🧁🧁

  21. absence members are just not ttd man

    1. HyperGoat


      @lil bill where you at


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