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Everything posted by badaim

  1. I just don't know why cLoak thinks he's better then me.

    1. Linka


      im a better sidechat warrior.. 

  2. There is obviously a problem with 6 cartels you might as well keep warzone if we are going to keep 6 cartels. Even if they are spread across the map its still way too many cartels.
  3. I'm issuing a green a light on manta. If he wants to throw putasos then ill break out my queta and put it in his culo.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Ah si? De donde eres? Que tanto español sabes? ;) 

    3. badaim


      I'm from california, and I don't speak that much spanish, I understand it more than anything.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  4. Great mod and a good guy in general you'll be missed bud
  5. My dorito breath was unintentional I was tired haha but mine was ten times worse then that.
  6. Waiting for GOAT to make a soundboard out of this.
  7. Clemenza stop throwing your gang signs up in kavala, might put a green light on you if you don't stop trying to act hard.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Only chavalas put out green lights on foos. Next time I see you in Kavala, we're throwing putasos.

  8. Any music suggestions for my shitty montage with my shitty clips ? anything is good i just don't know what to put for music not even sure how long my montage will be.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dustin87
    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      How about no music?  I enjoy the sound of bullets flying around.  And I don't really care to see another montage that does not involve instant one tapping headshots with a .exe program. So bye. 

    4. BENJI
  9. PB: 519
  10. Pepsi is still the best soda. 

  11. I hate my morning class.

  12. Sorry for your loss man, hope you're feeling alright keep your head up.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. badaim


      I'm not even gonna start. I'm a pretty passive guy so I wont say anything out of respect for you.

    3. Thomas


      Passive my ass you be holding the blunt longer than a dmv line

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Pinkstreak I hate to point this out but Thomas posted that after me thus he was agreeing with my statement.  He was not supporting you he is in face a dirty dirty baby faced man child. FO SRS THO GROW THAT BEARD BACK AND NEVER SHAVE.

  14. I guess you can't link shit or i did it wrong. Forget my last post.

    1. D3V1L


      Your link is there.. Full Circle ;D

    2. badaim


      You like that song ? hes a good artist in my opinion warfare showed me him...... Polygon for life.

  15. Some good music in my opinion to help you through you day.

  16. I'm the best. The king has spoken you can all go along with your day now.

    1. Mister Miracle

      Mister Miracle

      even if this is a joke your a fucking loser for thinking your funny

  17. welcome mongoloid
  18. yo b i love your singing this shit is quality and ily bby :*
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