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Everything posted by Tazed

  1. I miss the Ryan/Drama duo.. nevertheless love to see this tradition persist! Can't wait to open my air garage and see something new
  2. For a long time I have considered re-joining Olympus just for old time sake. For a bit of context, I have 1600 hours on Olympus and primarily played from the BW, MC era up to around the time Sho was a Lieutenant and Pledge was Chief of Police. I played in a gang called LC and we mostly made money, dicked around, fought with others, and took cartels here and there. The community was what made the server what it was tbh. I guess what I am getting at is if the server is nearly as active and if so, how is the community. Are most people ratting in Kavala or is it primarily cartel based? Do people still fight, or is it rare to find other people processing drugs and possibly get in hour long gun fights. Me and my friends are considering coming back and giving it one last go. Feel free to give it to me straight. Also how is the APD and R&R doing nowadays?
  3. This is pathetic, especially coming from an Arma 3 community.
  4. Tazed


    Just now reading this... I will miss you <3
  5. Oh... oh that's hot!
  6. Here she is in all of her beauty <3
  7. Feelsbadman
  8. Now this is a big yikes if I have ever seen one The grind is real @Basically Old
  9. Oooo my signature says it all...
  10. Feelsgoodman
  11. Now that was epic
  12. Well said, I believe this is very true.
  13. Confirmed legend

  14. Also I play on server 2. Msg me on there if you dont want to add me on steam. I am on daily.
  15. Add me on steam if you want to do a deal. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143963043/
  16. I have 4 striders that I am willing to sell. Reply with an offer.
  17. Lol Im not going to suddenly believe that your gang is active just because you took a screenshot of teamspeak 3 months ago.
  18. Salty much?
  19. Salty your gang is shit and won't war us. I guess you have never met captain if you think they are chill then. That was a joke right? Lol funny, becuase last time I checked you guys ended the war because we were catching up. And then proceed to switch to server 1 and say it was "becuase of the cops"..... What are there not cops on server 1?
  20. Yayo: Probably has the worst comms of anyone I have met. -Basic,Dozen,Joe,Hunter
  21. Lol he is not in KS but alright. Also he didnt get kicked out of R, he left.
  22. Rebel Inc has been losing all of their proficient players since they have been leaving for more experienced gang. They have been basically accepting anyone who applies.
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