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Everything posted by Colt

  1. Wipe the server and bring back old cartel island and it might be fun again
  2. 85be0c4a409b4f352efd2fa3e5106fa7.pngStream sniping @Symfuhny with the bois

  3. Can we get an Official Ban List for this Event @Peter Long You know so those mongs know who they are.
  4. It seems just like yesterday when we was rollin deep in kavala throwin putasos.
  5. Cartels tomorrow anyone?
  6. Motherboard caught fire so I am fucked now no money to spare see you all in months


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shameless


      @Colt my cpu goes to 100% and idk if I keep alt tabbing its fine but its annoying asf. 

    3. Colt


      Lol wtf is it clean and up to date 

    4. Shameless


       Clean yes up to date Idk about bios..

  7. @Rusty is now off the sub list
  8. Me and @3 Rip log in at star rocks so that makes TI active.
  9. Played it on PC all expansions then i played 1942, from there COD 4, to COD World at War, Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Arma 3, Battlefield 4 basically how i started.
  10. Medal of honor and Battlefield 1942 was my shit
  11. :bigcheef:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Me. You're only just finding that out???

    3. JoeL



      1 hour ago, Fat Clemenza said:

      Me. You're only just finding that out???


    4. RambleR


      Never bothered to ask xD

  12. Should be back sometime this week or maybe next hopefully.

    1. Rusty


      Good miss my cop duo :) 

  13. Be back soon got a few things I gotta sort out with life and college.

    1. Rusty


      I need my duo asylum cop back! :)

    2. Colt
  14. 5f7de01e3f662a4c1bca540226f75280.png


  15. They be sleeping in the dog house out back.
  16. Response time 12 units of time
  17. Maverick is that you.
  18. Is that clemenza and his strider?
  19. Your mic sounds like you be playing in a empty room with no furniture or you play in a empty hallway lol.
  20. 1. Most Dominate Gang : M 2. Favorite Player : The Rabbit that opens house/fed doors. 3. Favorite current APD Member : Robotz 4. Favorite R&R Member : One that can Rez me in the first request. 5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose and Peter Long 6. Favorite former R&R : The ones I kill once the revive me inna redzone. 7. Kavala Troll King : All Of DB 8. Favorite time on the server : Gangs Wars 9. Funniest Moment : My Signature Video 10. Something you want in the community : Mk-1s , Defibs, RCO's, and a CQC Server. 11. Favorite Quote : "Co1t your Lagging....?" - Anyone who plays with me.
  21. Montage Coming soon Very Soon...

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