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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. If you have been using the player interaction wheel, please take an oppurtunity to review this thread and give feedback 🙂!

  2. @ G H O S T  Congrats on Corporal!!

  3. @ Clover


    Seriously tho welcome we do actually have fun here haha 🙂

    1. Clover


      @ Milo  Thanks Milo I appreciate it! Looking forward to working on stuff with you.

  4. Absolute huge plus one on this @ GST is truly one of the best sAPD members of all time. Probably would've never even sought out joining whitelisted factions and by affect probably would've never looked into joining development had it not been for the way he represented the APD at the time I played civ. That being said though if he puts you on a boat you should be very concered!
  5. So this is an interesting take. Typically there is a point in these kind of threads where I feel like it is less constructive to continue discussion so I don't reply anymore but I would like to address this as I believe that it may have been ill-represented to you by me (or whoever else said it to you at the time). Since it was so long ago, I honestly have no recollection of what I did comment on the subject. I would like to get a few things straight though. I loved @ PolarBear . If he came back and expressed interest in the currently vacant supervisor slot, and I was for some reason asked for my vote, I would absolutely vote in favor of him coming back. PolarBear was one of the most fun and active Supervisors I had the oppurtunity of playing with in the R&R. When I failed with that flight test, I had a discussion with him that I disagreed with the verdict that I failed. His position was that he believed I was not quite ready yet. Honestly, valid arguments from both sides. Knowing more about the R&R that I do now and not being quite literally a new basic paramedic, I probably would've never even pursued to appeal it as at the end of the day as I did have the oppurtunity to retake it. Even though at the time I disagreed with his decision, I'd like to mention at zero point did I attempt to petition his removal. In fact during that appeal, I actually went out of my way to reiterate that multiple times how much of a great dude I thought he was. Funnily enough less then a week ago after all this time @ Marcus and I were talking about this exact situation as I made reference to it and he could not remember the details with so much time having passed. Marcus gave PolarBear nothing short of a stellar and glowing review reminiscing on his time as supervisor, and I agreed with his assesment. ... Never thought I would have a dirty laundry post haha but I did genuinley want to clear this up, because @ PolarBear is a great dude, and I would never petition for his removal. To date, he may have been one of the most fun and active supervisors the R&R has ever had. As much as I remember disagreeing and it feeling like a big deal, I do regret how I handled it, and how it much it blew up to be a bigger situation then it needed to be. PolarBear if you see this, I hope you are doing well
  6. The amount of aggression and anger you've been bringing to me recently is pretty weird considering I don't even know you. If you'd actually seen anything that I post, especially recently, you'd recognize that I make my own opinion independently regardless of how popular (or unpopular) I anticipate it to be. It's common sense that the APD is allowed to ram vehicles obstructing access to the dome during federal reserve robberies. Blocking both entries and exits to the APD HQ during a federal reserve and expecting them not to get rammed is quite literally common sense. Don't want them to get rammed? Don't park them where vehicle are supposed to go in and out during an active federal reserve that APD members are forced to respond to haha.
  7. Should that rule be better documented in the altis life rules to avoid future confusion? Yea. Were they at fault, or did they do anything wrong? Absolutely not:
  8. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup


      @ virus  I’m not saying you guys won the fed due to this but it certainly doesn’t make it any easier or fair. That’s the point I was trying to make. 

    3. virus


      @ Bubbaloo Burrito yea but getting consistently spectated during events by the same admins is fair. Love getting to sit out a ban and cops gettings verbals.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I get it. It’s concerning. We are having a meeting around that this Saturday but I don’t think much will change. 

  9. @ stayclaxxy  @ Toretto  Said it once and gonna say it again- big congrats ❤️

  10. I really like @ -Shawn- 's post. I have a lot of friends who are sAPD, so I do not want the following of what I say next to be taken as criticism regarding recent choices they may or may not have made. I would like to mention though as someone who held the rank of PO for a long time and only recieved my exemptions recently that @ King was a great APD member who spent a lot of time playing with lower ranks. King was a friendly face that made people joyfull to hop into a channel and play. Considering that the rule that he was being reprimanded for was also implied not written, along with his long time in grade and consistent activity, I would be a large supporter of him being given an exemption rank of Sergeant; the previous rank he was before his removal. Disciplinary actions like these set precidenets to justify future disciplinary action taken. King had 483 days of time in grade, and from the persepective of my eyes, was a near flawless member of the APD who always met his mininums. I think that he deserves better, and that those who will be reprimanded for similar infractions deserve to be treated with the same level of generousity and compassion. We all screw up, as I am sure one day I am going to too. Having lighter verdicts in cases like these would resolve a lot of fear people have of "screwing up". Not to say that people shouldn't be worried about breaking handbook rules, they just shouldn't have to fear for their ranks even when the infractions themselves are within low-severity or are small in relation to their time in grade. I have a lot of really good friends that are sAPD, and I would not have my rank of Staff Sergeant if it was not for their help. Those friends deserve their ranks and I have enjoyed playing under their leadership. However I also really like King as a friend, and as a Sergeant in the APD. Lastly I agree with @ Marcus . I encourage everyone to remember we are all friends here that enjoy playing the same game .
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ Fraali !!! 8cucve.jpg

  12. Funny throwback with @ Doke TV  


    1. G H O S T

      G H O S T

      “Wait I herd gun shots” - (Actively being shot in the chest)

  13. Congrats @ Diamond  and @ Zombie Mall Cop  !!!

    Now put a rebel in my house!!!



    1. Ryan


      Shut up idiot

  14. @ Grandma Gary Caught in 4k!!
  15. Don't let Gary fool you! He paid me for my silence until it became unattainable then went public!!
  16. Never tried it myself but I believe this is correct. I believe you'd be changing your aspect ratio instead of resolution. I think either 4:3 or 4:5 would have the desired affect you are looking for although I can't say for sure since I've never really tried it.
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