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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. @ GST  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!😄🥳❤️

    1. GST


      Thank you Milo ❤️🍻

  2. @ MAJOR PAIN 30  Can't believe I missed your birthday!! Happy birthday to the dude that has ran Mr. Banana and I out of Kavala APD alone and against all odds successfully more times than I can count ❤️

  3. You are quite literally my least favorite vigi but I'll be damned if you aren't the most talented and generous HAHA. Never seen a regular player do a taser-giveaways, especially not multiple or ones for the holiday seasons. Merry Christmas to the one of a kind guy that made me lose multiple kits and fix vigi I have plenty of tasers, please disclude me from this raffel
  4. @ CaloomClark  Happy birthday and welcome once again to FOG 🙂 !!!!

  5. @ Marcus  Happy birthday 😄🎂!!!!!

  6. Tallest tale I've ever heard- liar liar pants on fire! Also you and @ Rexo every night:
  7. 87ldrk.gif

    IYKYK 😂

    1. Milo


      (Although also alegedly recently reformed in this unknown persons defense haha)

    2. KermitZooicide


      @ Element_  offers air mail instead of instant delivery to fill the void ✈️🪂🔫

    3. Element_


      @ KermitZooicide I offer underwater courier services now, air mail was too expensive

  8. Huge congratulations to @ Doke TV  on Map Design Contributor 🙂🎉

    1. Milo


      @ Doke TV

      PS. @ notsodank  ruthlessly beats his map contributors. If you need an abuse shelter I know @ TheHeroNoob  has some great resources as he's been through it himself 😢💔

    2. Doke


      HAHAHAHA, Thank you!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Milo


      @ Little Kev  Do you mean like it shows the name of the cop on the phone or the player tag while in the vehicle on the phone?

    3. Clashingtin


      Yes name of the cop so if ur undercover as Joe but talk in the veh it will show your actual cop name and not joe

    4. knifemaster


      ^ same thing with phone calls, but i mean @ Milo  usually rolls as Def Not a Cop when undercover 🤣

  10. I am the worst dev on Olympus. Give me moderator RIGHT NOW! I dont test my code. I break everything. The Ghost blowing up cars was all me. I am the definition of #ShitDev

  11. Congrats @ The Sovereign 🙂!!!

    1. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Mr @ Milo  kilted da mailman but im not posta tell nobody.

  12. Do not listen to the propoganda! Also if you haven't yet already, make sure you turn on "Show Script Errors". Screenshots of errors in game is 100% bug report worthy and it helps us out greatly. More information on how to enable these can be found in this post here 🙂.

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      I know 5 different dupes but i will not be reporting them until i see 100m in my deposit box and a deputy whitelist

  13. Requested Information: Before submitting a bug report, it is requested that three key pieces of information be documented: A detailed description regarding the problem. Where did it happen (i.e. Kavala Market). When did it happen (i.e. Today, 12:30PM EST). What was the expected behavior (i.e. I was supposed to recieve a DP mission). What happened instead (i.e. It failed to give me vehicle cargo). Video or screenshot showing the problem occuring. Although a clip may not always be possible, even a screenshot can be helpful as visual documented evidence. Enabling script errors is a great way to make a screenshot useful even in the event a full video is missing. Your most recent RPT file. When debugging erorrs, RPT (Text-Format Report Files) help development find where bugs may have originated from. Enabling Script Errors: By choosing to enable script errors, you will recieve visual feedback in game when things go wrong. This information is extremely helpful as it can be screenshotted or recorded to show exactly when a bug occured and what happened. To enable Script Errors follow these simple steps: Open your Arma 3 Launcher. Find and click "Parameters" on the left hand side. Scroll all the way to the bottom and check "Show Script Errors". Obtaining an RPT File: RPT (Text-Format Report Files) help development find errors, when they occured in the mission, and where they originated from. Finding an RPT file is very easy. In a few simple steps this is how you can gather your RPT file: Navigate to your computers "File Explorer". Go to the file path: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Sort by "Date modified". Upload the file to a sharing service and link it to the bug report. Dropbox and Google Drive are good services.
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