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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. Happy birthday @ Tammy  🙂🎂❤️!! Silla on top 🙏

  2. Look after your friends and look after yourself. Although many of us have had experience with dabbling in substances as teenagers- it's way different the moment you become an adult. All of a sudden you are living on your own or with a few friends. You drink and smoke way more than you used to (or at all), and you have an absolute blast. You go through rough or hard times and you feel the desire to feel better. Subconsciously you know that alcohol and drugs make you feel better so you take them. That's how addiction starts and every single time you expect to send you up, when doing it to address a problem; it will near always send you lower. Addiction isn't just stealing your friends or parents money for the substance. Sometimes it is just consuming a lot of a substance all the time but it's normalized for being in your twenties. Heavy shit but I could've helped a lot of friends had I recognized they were striggling. Ultimantely be dilligent but have fun. Happy birthday.
  3. Milo


    Upset to see you O7 but wish you the very best. You gave me a great introduction to the R&R when I first joined and had a lot of fun playing civ and cop with you. Whether we were robbing banks, or stopping them from being robbed; it was always a pleasure. O7 Grizz
  4. Milo

    o7 Apd

    I haven't seen one post from you that is actually respectful. You act like this much of a toxic barrel irl? I can't imagine that makes you very pleasent to be around.
  5. Milo

    o7 Apd

    I am sad you're leaving the APD but I am happy to see you'll be sticking around the community. O7 to one of my favorite LT's
  6. Hot take but chicken and blue cheese slaps 🙏

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      It is the general consensus.

    3. -dante-


      i havent had blue cheese in years but when I last had it, it was fine. But im from louisiana where one of our best foods is inside of a pig's small intestines.. so the descriptions of foods dont bother me lol

    4. Kamikaze


      blue cheese is pretty good but ranch> 

  7. Before making my post I reached out to a few people to clarify certain details which they were able to give me clarity on. I think only now am I realizing some of the details that I had were assumptions. I assumed that two certain members were previously blacklisted. When I saw this post initially and I read the comments I quoted in my previous quote- I interpreted this as misleading since that didn't align with my incorrect perception of events. Due to assumptions I made myself (and not from the correct information I recieved from others), I got a lot of things wrong with my original comment. Honestly I am just so tired of the toxicity all the way around. I have my opinions and reservations like everyone else but when I made my initial clarification on this post today, it was with the soul intention to clarify information that (after dilligently reaching out to certain parties first) I percieved as false. The only thing prior I've said on this entire issue prior to my last comment was a simple status update congratulating my friends: I was happy with the idea of being able to play a whitelisted faction that I've enjoyed with others with them too. I didn't make fun of anyone else, rub it in, or use the new monkey emote even once. I was simply congratulating them as they have done for me with other positions as they are friends I hold in high regard. I understand that this is a touchy and controversial subject but it's disheartening to see all the toxic remarks and behavior exchanged by people that I like and respect on both sides. Not to say that everyone has to be kumbaya but it's exhausting to see all the toxicity that has been going back and fourth.
  8. Just wanted to add a comment that the claims presented here in this post are misleading. The verdict that was previously made to reinstate certain people has not been overturned. Edit: I've changed my wording from "misinformation" to "misleading". Both statements and imply that the verdict to include them back into the APD itself has been overturned. Two of the individuals currently hold Sergeant ranks.
  9. Congrats @ TapTap @ JaydenB  and @ Super_Nova  on your promotions!! It will be fun to be able to play cop with you guys 🙂!

  10. Dear J, Apologies if I've affected the USPS's effectiveness at delivering their mail on time! We found that mail couriers and average citizens alike were abusing the proximity radar to respawn on players during their hard earned runs. Certainly mail courriers would agree this ruins a quality experience for the masses and is inherintly exploitative. Hopefully the USPS will survive without this! Best, Milo.
  11. Congrats @ Jhokuu  on dev contrib! Also as Doc well put, welcome to the hell hole 😂

    1. Jhokuu


      king. thanks for all your help getting things started. you've been a huge part of my success so far

    2. Milo
  12. I've already hit my react limit for the day and not sure how close I am to hitting my post limit but in case I missed anyone: thank you all so much for the congratulations!! It'll be fun continuing to make all you guys cool stuff 💕

    Big shoutout to everyone in development too for answering all my questions big, small (or stupid) haha. You guys rock!!

  13. Milo


    To reiterate what Sov said, bug reports are really, really helpful. Videos like these where we can see it visually and get an idea of what happens before and as it occurs can really help us sort out what's happening. Most bugs usually tend to be easy to fix but it's usually the lack of us knowing about them that prevents them from being solved. Sometimes even with us playing in game, we may never experience the bug ourselves depending on our workflow of what we do in game. Me personally (somehow in all my hours), have never bought or fired a titan (apart from TDM) lol. Anyway point being is bug reports are awesome and we always appreciate them as they can really help to show us what's going on in the event we never run into the bug ourselves while playing I could be totally wrong as I am just speculating but this matches with previous behavior I've seen. I would take guns out of my house, reload them, and then it would continue to eat the magazines. I learned later it was because I was storing weapons back in my house without having restored their firing pins first as gun stores. I can't imagine police would be seizing a firing pin while a titan is on your back opposed to just seizing it in general, but I do wonder if going to a weapons shop and hitting "reload magazines" would fix this specific issue.
  14. Hahaha- wait... hold on a minue :(
  15. Reading all the recent forums beef be like:
    Michael Jackson Eating Popcorn Meme GIFs | Tenor

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Bro ain’t nobody got time to read all that shit 

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