1. Most Dominate Gang : [SadGekko]
2. Favorite Player : <Maruchan> SemiRigidMan
3. Favorite current APD Member : Co1t because he lets me fly his mh-9s
4. Favorite R&R Member : N/A
5. Favorite former APD member : cLoak
6. Favorite former R&R : Frost
7. Kavala Troll King : I dont go to kavala
8. Favorite time on the server : Fights between M(first one) and MC or Gang Wars 1
9. Funniest Moment : Co1ts rage when he lags out and gets killed
10. Something you want in the community : RCO's, boats N hoes, old tilde
11. Favorite Quote : "i need a fucking career in wiffle ball because all i do is wiff" - linka