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Todd Dinger

Olympus Plus
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About Todd Dinger

APD Officer

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  • Olympus Gang
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    British Columbia, Canada

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  1. is this supposed to be funny
  2. I'm just a measly PO so perhaps my opinion is worthless, but at the least I can remind people that this is a video game and from my outsider perspective, it isn't that deep. It's fine to take this stuff seriously, but at the end of the day it's a video game we all started playing simply because it's fun and maybe it draws us away from our real life and the problems that are involved in that. I was on when King decided to call the Blackwater off, and I agree with his call. There was about 8 of us on, most of us PO's, and about 22 civs at the Blackwater event. It was total shit and it was a complete waste of time even attempting to stop them. His removal from the APD, in my opinion, is absurd because the handbook clearly states he can do what he did. With that said, I understand there's currently "nuances" with these rules and SOP's - which is not the way it should be. These things should be very clearly stated, and they aren't. It leaves rules and SOP's open to interpretation which is incredibly unfair. There's even procedures I have to follow as a PO that are not in the handbook or rules which I will get in trouble for should I not follow them. If you think that's okay, you need to give your head a shake. Also, the only Dep Chief I've seen play with Jr. APD is Rexo. The others seem to play by themselves or with their little posse. Just my two cents.
  3. I think it would be an interesting thing to try for a bit.
  4. Only as long as it doesn’t blow up the escort truck
  5. Asylum had this system with making aged liquors. It was cool. Not OP, but a good passive way for money to be made.
  6. hes the only one who answers me for reports and messages
  7. i wouldn't call a backflip in an orca a "common aerial combat maneuver" and u look awfully close to the ground to attempt one. idk looks sus to me
  8. that was a short 5 seconds
  9. Isn't it curious how the only people downvoting my first comment on this post is members of Aegis, including you. Seems like maybe they have no perspective.
  10. Like I said in the 2nd comment, 1hr cooldown between all fed events from the moment the vault is closed or bomb defused. Only people that downvoted it and/or seem to be opposed are Aegis/Gulan Mafia... the only people who do feds back to back to back.
  11. That's a ridiculous claim, and completely subjective. Majority of the server plays for other reasons, otherwise the top few gangs would be the only population.
  12. I disagree. It's not childish. Some people have different preferences Jelly. I actually like to go bust civs and actually let them RP out of situations or have some fun with that. I disdain going back and forth between Fed Reserve and Blackwater because it's just frustrating and boring. When Aegis and/or Gulan is going back and forth between the two to the point where I can't do anything else, I'm just going to get off. I didn't apply to be a cop to combat feds majority of the time I'm on. With that said, I think a viable solution is a cooldown of one hour between federal events (reserve, jail, evidence, blackwater), starting from the moment the vault is fixed or bomb defused.
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