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bigPat last won the day on June 15 2017

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About bigPat

Legacy VIP
  • Birthday 04/28/1993

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    bigPat #2492

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  1. yall some bitches and im bigPat less fuckin go
  2. bitches

    1. -dante-


      That’s my Sr VX leader 🙏🏼

    2. JoeL


      Hello |SS| Bigpat

  3. where the fuck is the reply from the man himself? this has been going on for days now...
  4. September Content Update
  5. Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe hit him up?
  6. na dude its still not worth just invis backpacks for $5. Needs to be more. Just make it 5 flat across the board. This is a subscription on a old ass game. Make it somthing more people would want to buy
  7. Make oly+ $5 a month. I think more people will have it.
  8. So I bought like 10 invis bergens to put in my house. Then when I go to put them back on they arent invis anymore. Update broke more than it did good. Thanks.
  9. bigPat


  10. Sale Pending
  11. 3 crater
  12. 3mil
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